Why people prefer Silicone Love Dolls over TPE?

Sex doll manufacturers have been experimenting with different realistic materials to make the experience enjoyable for enthusiasts and give them a wide range of options to choose from. From a long time, silicone is considered as the go-to material by sex doll makes because of its realistic feel and ease of maintenance.

And TPE is considered as a reliable substitute of silicone because of the realistic texture and human-like feel.

Why silicone dolls are preferred the most?

Silicone material is well-known for its durability, ease of cleaning and human-like feel. This has been used as the go-to sex toy material for decades. The concerned material looks and feels like the human skin. It’s a perfect blend of silicon polymer, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. As per the composition of the components, silicone may vary in terms of softness. As the material is heat resistant, heating functions can be incorporated in silicone made dolls to enhance the experience even further.

TPE dolls

TPE was introduced into the sex doll market to provide an affordable option as compared to silicone. It is also known as thermoplastic rubber. The concerned material belongs to a class of copolymers made of thermoplastic and elastomeric materials.

Level of realism

Before you jump on to buy American made Silicone Love Dolls in California, you must become of the level of realism of both silicone as well as TPE dolls. Remember, both Silicone and TPE are soft and human-like so it becomes hard to measure the difference in terms of realism. But when it comes to realistic modeling, silicone is definitely more superior to TPE as it has been in use for a long time and used together with latest technologies like heating functions. Even the TPE material also provides a realistic touch but it’s still new in the market and has a lot more that can be done to improve the preciseness.

Level of hygiene

If it’s about the hygiene regarding sex dolls, this is measured by identifying whether the material used is porous or non-porous. And Silicone sex dolls are non-porous so they are easy to clean and sterilize regularly to improve the hygiene. It contains a soft surface free of pores where water and other body fluids can be trapped either during cleaning or sex. As far as TPE is concerned, the material contains mini pores where moisture and other foreign material can be trapped and make it difficult to clean afterwards.

Great news is that silicone is less sensitive to heat as compared to TPE which means you can integrate heating functions and enjoy warm showers with a realistic silicone sex doll but this is not possible with TPE dolls. So, consider the differences discussed above and choose the doll that takes your fancy at first sight!!!

Source : https://www.zldoll.com/