Zipjob vs TopResume: Which is the Best Resume Writing Service for You?

Zipjob vs TopResume: An Expert Comparison of Resume Writing Services

When it comes to crafting the perfect resume, job seekers often turn to professional writing services like Zipjob and TopResume. In this comprehensive review, we'll dive into the features, pricing, and effectiveness of each service to determine which might be the best fit for your career advancement efforts.

Introduction to Zipjob and TopResume

Zipjob and TopResume are well-known players in the resume writing industry, offering a range of services from basic proofreading to complete resume overhauls. Both have garnered attention for their promises to enhance job search success, but how do they really compare?

Service Offerings

What Zipjob Has to Offer

Zipjob touts a team of professional writers and technology to ensure resumes pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Their services include keyword optimization, personalized resume writing, and fast turnaround times.

TopResume's Services

TopResume emphasizes their expert writing team's ability to provide personalized resume critiques, professional rewriting, and industry-specific knowledge to help resumes stand out to hiring managers.

Price Comparison

The cost is often a decisive factor for many job seekers. Zipjob's packages range from the Launch package to their Premium option, while TopResume offers Professional Growth, Career Evolution, and Executive Priority packages.

Quality of Work and Effectiveness

Analyzing customer feedback and success stories, we find that both services have helped numerous clients land interviews. However, nuances in service quality and writer expertise might sway users towards one service over the other depending on their industry and career level.


Choosing between Zipjob and TopResume comes down to specific needs, budget, and preference for style of interaction. Both services offer distinctive features that can elevate your resume, but the best choice will depend on your unique career situation.

FAQs About Zipjob and TopResume

What differentiates Zipjob from TopResume?

Zipjob leverages ATS technology alongside professional writers, whereas TopResume focuses on a more traditional, writer-centric approach.

How do the prices of Zipjob and TopResume services compare?

Zipjob offers competitive pricing with a range of packages that are slightly more budget-friendly, while TopResume tends to be on the higher end with a focus on executive-level services.

Is one service faster than the other in delivering the final resume?

Zipjob is generally known for its quicker turnaround times, especially for entry to mid-level packages, compared to TopResume's more extended timelines.

Can I get a LinkedIn profile update with both Zipjob and TopResume?

Yes, both services offer LinkedIn profile updates, but they may be included in different package tiers.

Who should choose Zipjob over TopResume?

Job seekers at the entry to mid-level career stages who require ATS-optimized resumes may prefer Zipjob's services.

Does TopResume offer a better service for executives?

TopResume is often recommended for executives due to its specialized Executive Priority package that caters to high-level resume needs.