Zion Lutheran Church (Waynesboro, Virginia) is a congregation of the Virginia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Located three miles north of downtown Waynesboro in a setting that one visitor describes as "a little taste of Ireland," Zion is a small, lively, welcoming, family friendly, diverse congregation.
Our unity, of course, is in Jesus Christ and the good news of His holy gospel. Every Sunday we receive the promises of that gospel—forgiveness, life, and salvation—in a worship service known throughout Christian history as the "liturgy," God's divine "public service" on behalf of the whole world.
In the liturgy—through confession and absolution, the preaching of the Word of God, and in the sacrament of Holy Communion—people receive God's gifts of grace in Jesus Christ.
We extend our Lord's invitation for you to receive these gifts at worship at Zion Lutheran Church. We look forward to seeing you!