Disappointed in brimstone, maybe I have the wrong team for it. I run bat eater and usually get 65-70M, only 3 or 4 times have I hit 1 key. Draco came up so I hoped awakening would push me to one key. Nope, it only props about 4 times, would maybe more but I often have 10 Debuffs up. Seems to do 250k damage so maybe 2M per key diff. But I've never been good at reading the screen so I may be missing something. Would a different blessing help Draco more? Btw, I tested in iron twins as well and seems to do 10% max hp, so good there.

I run a stone/stone/physperf stalker that has zero problems with survival or mitigation. It leverages tremor and fault heavily to manage inbound damage, and does so admirably with the accelerated cast on tremor, and does significant aoe damage as a result of brimstone procs.

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I have as yet given you the Gospel-spirit, in one colour or notion, that of its opposition to Elias first, and then to the Boanerges. It will be necessary to add somewhat of the Positive consideration of it, though that must be fetched from other Scriptures. And this will be but necessary to this Text, because that which is here mentioned, is the D [...] spirit in the extent, not only that one part of it that respected the present action; where (though any one eminent defect, that particularly wherein those Disciples offended, were destructive to the Gospel-spirit, Malum ex quolibet defectu, yet) all the several branches of it, are required to integrate or make up the Gospel-spirit, Bonum ex essenti integra. And what these branches are, I cannot better direct you, than by putting you in mind of these few severals. First, Christ's badge or cognizance, By this shall all men know that ye are my Disciples, E if you love one another: Nazar. Sosp. Not of one opinion, but of love. Add, Nunquam laeti sitis, &c. as Jews rend Garments at Blasphemy; so we at Uncharitableness. Secondly, Christs legacy, Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Thirdly, Christ's copy, Learn of me; what's beyond all his other perfections, I am meek. Fourthly, The Nature of that Wisdom which cometh from above, Jam. iii. First pure, then peaceable. Fifthly, The quality of the fruits of the Spirit, in St. Paul, Gal. v. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, F meekness, &c. Sixthly, The gallantry of meekness in St. Peter, Ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. Seventhly, Titus's charge, that all Christians are to be put in mind of, Tit. iii. 1. To be subject to Principalities, to obey Magistrates, to be ready to every good work, to speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, [...] no fighters, but gentle, shewing all meekness to all men. Things, that it seems nothing but Christianity [Page 70] could infuse; For we our selves were sometimes fools, dis [...]bedient, &c.A But after the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared, then room for this Spirit.

Now fire you know, belongs most naturally to Hell; and therefore when the fire and brimstone came down upon Sodom, the phansie of the Fathers calls it Gehennam de Coelo: And so generally the Civil Fire, the Combustion in a State, its original is from thence too; part of that wisdom that is not from above. These Tares so apt for burning, are sowed by Satan, the Enemy-man. From whence come Wars and F strivings among you, [...], Wars of all sizes, are they not from your lusts, that war in your flesh? saith S. James. The lusts from the Flesh, but the War from Hell, the Devil, the Spiritus sufflans that sets them a warring. Believe it, they would not be able to do it in this manner, prove such fiery boutefeus, if they were not inflamed [Page 75] A from beneath, if they were not set on fire by Hell. And therefore to call fire from Heaven, to entitle God or Heaven to that fire, is to do both of them great injury; nay, though it be on Samaritans, that are not so friendly to Christ as might be expected: And so to call fire from Heaven upon Samaritans, is (by accommodation at least) to pretend God, or Heaven, or Religion, for the cause of War, which of all things hath least to do it, if the Gospel-spirit may have leave to be considered. Indeed, very few kinds of War there are that will be B justified by Gospel-principles. It was truly said, (though by a rough Soldier) That if the Lord of Hosts were permitted to sit in the Council of War, there would soon be a cessation of Arms, and disbanding of Armies: Though that all War is not unlawful will appear by John Baptists address to the Soldiers, who gave rules to regulate their Militia, but did not disband them; and the example of the Convert Centurion, a Centurion still after his Conversion: Where yet this still remains as an infallible resolution, that Wars are to be used like the Regia Medicamenta, C never but when the Physician sees there is no other means available; never upon the wantonness of the Patient, but command of the Physician, and never but when peace appears to be impossible; for if it be possible, the precept is of force, Follow peace with all men. And then to shed the blood of Christians, when blood may be spared, what an hideous thing it is, you may guess by that Emperor, that having beheaded a Christian, was by the sight of a fishes head that came to his Table so astonished, phancying, that it was the head of D that slaughtered Christian gaping on him, that he scarce recovered to his wits; or of that poor penitent David in his pathetick expression, Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, O Lord: A wonderful deliverance, it seems, to get clear from that. And what an Ocean of fishes heads, may appear one day gaping on some Men, I have no joy to tell: Deliver us from blood-guiltiness, O God. be457b7860

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