assist. dr. Žiga Kos


20) N. Kralj, M. Ravnik and Ž. Kos, Defect line coarsening and refinement in active nematics, arXiv:2204.11957 (2022).

19) V. P. Patil, Ž. Kos and J. Dunkel, Harmonic flow field representations of quantum bits and gates, arXiv:2202.03941 (2022).

18) M. Mur, Ž. Kos, M. Ravnik, and I. Musevic, Continuous generation of topological defects in a passively driven nematic liquid crystal, Nat. Comm. 13, 6855 (2022).

17) Ž. Kos and J. Dunkel, Nematic bits and universal logic gates, Science Advances 8, eabp8371 (2022).

16) T. Yao, Ž. Kos, Q. Xing Zhang, Y. Luo, F. Serra, E. B. Steager, M. Ravnik, K. J. Stebe, Nematic Colloidal Micro-Robots as Physically Intelligent Systems, Adv. Func. Mat. 2205546 (2022).

15) T. Yao, Ž. Kos, Q. Xing Zhang, Y. Luo, E. B. Steager, M. Ravnik, K. J. Stebe, Topological defect-propelled swimming of nematic colloids, Science Advances 8, eabn8176 (2022).

14) V. P. Patil*, Ž. Kos*, M. Ravnik and J. Dunkel, Discharging dynamics of topological batteries, Physical Review Research 2, 043196 (2020).

13) Ž. Krajnik, Ž. Kos and M. Ravnik, Spectral energy analysis of bulk three-dimensional active nematic turbulence, Soft Matter 16, 9059 (2020).

12) J. Binysh, Ž. Kos, S. Čopar, M. Ravnik and G. P. Alexander, Three-Dimensional Active Defect Loops, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 257 (2020).

11) Ž. Kos and M. Ravnik, Field generated nematic microflows via backflow mechanism, Sci. Rep. 10, 2550 (2020).

10) S. Čopar, Ž. Kos, T. Emeršič and U. Tkalec, Microfluidic control over topological states in channel-confined nematic flows, Nat. Commun. 11, 977 (2020).

9) S. Čopar*, J. Aplinc*, Ž. Kos*, S. Žumer and M. Ravnik, Topology of Three-Dimensional Active Nematic Turbulence Confined to Droplets, Phys. Rev. X 9, 031051 (2019).

8) Ž. Kos, J. Aplinc, U. Mur, M. Ravnik, Mesoscopic Approach to Nematic Fluids. In: Toschi F., Sega M. (eds) Flowing Matter. Soft and Biological Matter. Springer, Cham (2019).

7) T. Emeršič*, R. Zhang*, Ž. Kos*, S. Čopar, N. Osterman, J. J. de Pablo and U. Tkalec, Sculpting stable structures in pure liquids, Science advances 5 (2), eaav4283 (2019).

6) P. Guillamat, Ž. Kos, J. Hardoüin, J. Ignés-Mullol, M. Ravnik and F. Sagués, Active nematic emulsions, Science Advances 4, eaao1470 (2018).

5) Ž. Kos and M. Ravnik, Elementary Flow Field Profiles of Micro-Swimmers in Weakly Anisotropic Nematic Fluids: Stokeslet, Stresslet, Rotlet and Source Flows, Fluids 3, 15 (2018).

4) L. Giomi, Ž. Kos, M. Ravnik and A. Sengupta, Cross-talk between topological defects in different fields revealed by nematic microfluidics, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 114, E5771 (2017).

3) Ž. Kos, M. Ravnik and S. Žumer, Nematodynamics and structures in junctions of cylindrical micropores, Liq. Cryst. 44, 2161 (2017).

2) Ž. Kos and M. Ravnik, Relevance of saddle-splay elasticity in complex nematic geometries, Soft Matter 12, 1313 (2016).

1) L. Cattaneo, Ž. Kos, M. Savoini, P. Kouwer, A. Rowan, M. Ravnik, I. Muševič and T. Rasing, Electric field generation of Skyrmion-like structures in a nematic liquid crystal, Soft Matter 12, 853 (2016).

* equal contribution