Individuability of Mandarin Classifiers

Do Mandarin nouns and classifiers individuate? Experimental evidence from a quantity judgment task


Advisor/Collaborator: Prof. Kristen Syrett

Committee member: Prof. Yimei Xiang, Prof. Dorothy Ahn

First Qualifying Paper (defended 9/22/2021)

Developed from term paper of Acquisition Seminar, 2019 FA

Funded by Laboratory for Developmental Language Studies

We have collected experimental evidence from a quantity judgment task to evaluate two theoretical claims on Mandarin classifiers (Cheng &Sybesma 1998, 1999; Zhang, 2013). Methodologically, we diverge from previous word extension tasks and avoid potential confounds, by turning to quantity judgment paradigm and directly testing for the quantificational standards participants use. Theoretically, our results support Cheng & Sybesma's view that Mandarin count classifiers individuate and specify reference to objects, while mass classifiers select substances. Mandarin morphosyntax reflects the object/substance distinction via classifiers.

5/8/2021: Talk at RULing 2021, Rutgers University (online).


5/19/2021: Asynchronous presentation at DUCOG 12 (online).

Slides and recordings.

10/31/2021: Poster at NELS 52, Rutgers University (online).

Abstract, lightning talk, poster, and proceeding paper.

11/6/2021: Poster at ICFL-9, Fudan University (online).

Abstract and slides.