Ziling Zhu ·朱紫菱 

I am a fifth-year PhD candidate in the Department of Linguistics at Rutgers University. I received my undergraduate training at Department of English Language and Literature at Fudan University (Shanghai, China), majoring in English and Chinese.

My concentrations in linguistics are formal semantics and experimental semantics. I am interested in questions, nominals, and presuppositions. Currently, I'm working on factivity presuppositions in false-belief contexts for my dissertation, advised by Prof. Yimei Xiang. Before my dissertation, I have worked on selectional restrictions of emotive factives (with Prof. Yimei Xiang). My experimental projects include Mandarin bare nouns and classifiers (with Prof. Kristen Syrett) and Bridging Anaphora in Chinese (BrAnCh) (with Prof. Dorothy Ahn).

I visit the p-side of linguistics from time to time. I have presented an OT analysis of Tuwuli tones and melodies at ACAL in 2021. In my latest phonology project, I model Mandarin rhotacization with Recursive Schemes (presented at LSA 2023).