I am currently a Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I was previously a postdoctoral fellow at the Technion, hosted by Michah Sageev
I received my PhD in 2020 from the University of Michigan, where my advisor was Dick Canary.
I am broadly interested in geometric topology, with a particular interest in geometric structures and geometric group theory. My work falls in the broad area of higher Teichmüller theory, with a current focus on Anosov representations and their possible generalizations; I also think about convex projective geometry, both as a concrete example of / in the more general theory and as a useful geometric tool.
I am also (mildly skeptical but) curious about / interested in potential applications of geometric and topological ideas in machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Alternative presentations of some of the above content can be found under the Research / Slides and Notes + Expositions / "For the interested layperson" pages / sections on this website.
I can be reached at fzhu52 at wisc dot edu
or (last name)(first name) at umich dot edu