Teachers' Day Gift Preparation | Baking Cookies | 26 August 2023

More than 20 parent volunteers got together at Zhonghua Secondary School on Saturday, 26 August, to bake and pack cookies as gifts for the teachers, school staff and vendors. Starting bright and early in the morning, our parents came together and worked as a team to fill the school with a tantalising aroma of chocolate-chip cookies baked from scratch! Pictured here are some (but not all!) of our parent volunteers about to start work in the Food and Consumer Education (FCE) room in school.

Cookies baked with love

Followed by individually packed and sealed

Final Product

Thank you, Cher! | 30 August 2023

Before the sun rose on Wednesday, 30 August, a group of our parent volunteers were hard at work again. It was time to send the cookies that we had baked to the teachers and vendors of Zhonghua Secondary School! Pictured here are (from left) Nancy, May, Ketut, Principal Ms Cindy Low, Iris and Cheong Wai. A table had been set up in front of the general office with boxes of cookies, all ready to be handed out to our teachers.

We hope the teachers liked our cookies

Cookies were gifted to vendors too

"Thank you so much for working with the other mummies and daddies in preparing such lovely gifts and cookies for our staff. On behalf of all of us at Zhonghua, our deepest appreciation! ❤️ Please help to convey my appreciation to the rest of the PSG."

Principal, Ms Cindy Low