ZHOU Research Group


Welcome to Intelligent Dynamics and Sensing Innovation Lab (IDeaL) at PolyU!

Mission and Vision:

Our team aims to advance state-of-the-art science and technologies to support practical applications toward enhancing the resilience, reliability, and safety of civil infrastructure. 

The research interests include: (a). Structural dynamics and vibration control; (b). Structural health monitoring; (c). Metamaterial design and optimization;  (d). Smart materials and sensing; (e). Reliability analysis, assessment, and design of engineering structures under uncertainties. (f). Digital twin-enabled cyber-infrastructure system for online human-infrastructure-machine interactive assessment and predictive maintenance.

We intend to leverage the collective strength and synergistic advancement of advanced sensing, physical modeling, heuristic optimization, and machine learning-empowered computational intelligence to pursue the success of the research.

Useful links for applicants:

Ph.D. Fellowship Type and Application Guideline

Dual Ph.D. Program and Application Guideline

RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Openings for Ph.D., Postdoc, and joint Ph.D. applicants.  

PolyU undergraduate and master students are also welcome to participate in the research if interested.