
We have multiple openings for PhD students to work on an array of exciting projects from quantum networks, quantum computing to quantum sensing with solid-state qubits and quantum photonics.

We also have two postdoc positions are available for undertaking

1. Cutting-edge experimental research in solid-state quantum technologies and/or hybrid quantum devices interfacing qubits of different physical degrees of freedom (e.g. optical, microwave, phonon, magnon). The candidate will be expected to lead a small team of graduate and undergraduate students to conduct research in a safe, open, and stimulating environment. Candidates with prior experience in nanophotonics, optical spectroscopy, AMO experiments and superconducting electronics are preferred.

2. Quantum network development with photonics and solid-state devices. Experience with optical communication, networking, single photon detection, entanglement generation, distillation, error correction are preferred. The candidate will work on the 50 km real-world Argonne-Fermi quantum link to demonstrate quantum entanglement network with long-lived quantum memories.

Interested candidates should contact Prof. Zhong directly at