For students

If you need a recommendation letter,

read this and this first.

Important: you should send me you application materials at least 3 weeks before the deadline ( and I recommend doing so as early as possible, and for other letter writers as well). Short notice sometimes is acceptable, but it is certainly at no one's best interest.

If you are thinking of doing a PhD with me,

think about these and some of the links within.

Important: I expect a student pursuing his/her PhD with me to have a good understanding of Hartshorne (Chapter 2 and 3), Griffiths-Harris (Chapter 0 and 1), and some basic knowledge about curves and surfaces. I think that these are minimal and essential requirements for a PhD in algebraic geometry. Therefore I will organise an exam on Hartshorne and Griffiths-Harris to test you after you have finished learning these. Only after you pass the test, I will officially take you as my student.

Normally it should take about one year to read these two books. I would expect that the student could pass the test by the end of the Fall semester of his/her 3rd year.

The graduate school requires a student to have an advisor even to attend the qualifying exam. So before you pass the test, I can perform some duties of an advisor, like signing documents and having regular meetings between us, but with the mutual understanding that the advisor-advisee relation is NOT yet established.

If you want to do undergraduate research with me,

make an appointment to talk to me.