Zhixin Zhou

Dr. Zhou is an Assistant Professor of Management Sciences at the College of Business, City University of Hong Kong. He received his bachelor degree in applied math from UC Berkeley and Ph.D. degree in statistics from UCLA. His current research interest includes random tensor theory, minimax theory of PCA and experimental design on network data. He is also interested in information retrieval, neural ranking and generative adversarial network.


  • Rate optimal Chernoff bound and application to community detection in the stochastic block models, Zhixin Zhou and Ping Li, Electronic Journal of Statistics 2020.

  • Optimal clustering in bipartite graphs, Zhixin Zhou and Arash A. Amini, Journal of Machine Learning Research 2020.

  • Fast neural ranking by search on graph. Shulong Tan, Zhixin Zhou, Zhaozhuo Xu and Ping Li, WSDM 2020.

  • Sparse random tensors: concentration, regularization and applications, Zhixin Zhou and Yizhe Zhu, 2019. [arXiv:1911.09063]

  • Möbius transformation for fast inner product search on graph, Zhixin Zhou, Shulong Tan, Zhaozhuo Xu and Ping Li, NeurIPS 2019.

  • Efficient vector retrieval under maximum inner product. Shulong Tan, Zhixin Zhou, Zhaozhuo Xu and Ping Li, EMNLP 2019.

  • Analysis of spectral clustering algorithms for community detection: the general bipartite setting, Zhixin Zhou and Arash A. Amini, Journal of Machine Learning Research 2018.