Papers and Preprints

with V. Lazić,

preprint [arXiv].

with N. Tsakanikas,

to appear in Michigan Math. J. [arXiv].

with V. Lazić,

preprint [arXiv].

with I. Stenger,

preprint [arXiv].

preprint [pdf] [arXiv].

with V. Lazić, S. Matsumura, Th. Peternell and N. Tsakanikas,

Doc. Math. 28 (2023), no. 6, 1393–1440.  [arXiv].

Math. Z. 302, 2077–2110 (2022). [pdf] [arXiv].

to appear in Annales de l'institut Fourier [pdf] [arXiv].

Other Texts
