
Main Publications

Trade and Management
The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 103, pp. 443–460, 2021 (with Nicholas Bloom, Kalina Manova, John Van Reenen, Stephen Teng Sun)

Growing Like China: Firm Performance and Global Production Line Position

Journal of International Economics, Vol. 130, May, 2021 (with Kalina Manova and Davin Chor)

Featured as VOX column at

Multi-Product Firms and Product Quality

Journal of International Economics , Vol. 109 , pp. 116-137., 2017,(with Kalina Manova)

Featured as VOX column at

How Firms Export: Processing vs. Ordinary Trade with Financial Frictions

Journal of International Economics , Vol. 100 , 120-137,2016, (with Kalina Manova)

Featured as VOX column at

Export Diversification and Volatility at Firm level: Theory and Evidence

European Economic Review , Vol. 89, 216–247, 2016, (with Gonzague Vannoorenberghe and Zheng Wang)

Openness, Managerial Incentives and Heterogeneous Firms

Economic Theory , Vol. 51(1), 71-104 , 2012

Other Publications

Payment Choice and International Trade: Firm Level Evidence from Developing Countries
Canadian Journal Economics , Vol 49, 296-319, 2016 (with Andreas Hoefele, Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr)

What Can Explain the Chinese Patent Explosion?
Oxford Economic Papers , 69, 239–262, 2017 (with Markus Eberhardt , Christian Helmers )

Featured as VOX column at

Quality Selection, Sectoral Heterogeneity and Chinese Exports
Review of International Economics, Vol. 24(4), 857–874, 2016 (with Richard Kneller)

The WP version was cited in Manova and Zhang (2012)

From One to Many Central Plans: Drug Advertising Inspections and Intra-National Protectionism in China
Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 44(3), 608–622, 2016 (with Zheng Wang and Markus Eberhardt)

The More the Better? Foreign ownership and Firm Performance in China
European Journal of Finance, Vol. 20(7–9), 681–702, 2014 ( with David Greenaway and Alessandra Guariglia)

Regional Heterogeneity and China's International Trade: Sufficient Lumpiness or Not?
Review of International Economics, Vol. 20(2), 415–429 , 2012 (with Meng Lu and Christ Milner) ,

Trade Partners, Products, and Firm Performance of China’s Exporter-Importers: Does Processing Trade Make a Difference?
The World Economy , 35(12), 1795–1824, 2012 ,(with Zheng Wang)

Catching Up or Pulling Away : Intra-industry Trade, Productivity Gap and Heterogeneous Firms
Open Economic Review, Volume 22, No. 1, pp. 17-38, 2011 (with Rod Falvey , David Greenaway),

On the Economic Content of Factor Content: with Application to China’s Trade
Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics Volume 17, Issue No. 3 , pp. 217-234, 2010 ( with Christ Milner and Meng Lu)

Can Production Subsidies Explain China's Export Performance? Evidence from Firm-Level Data
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vol. 111, Issue 4, pp. 863-891, 2009 (with Sourafel Girma, Yundan Gong, Holger Gorg) ,

Overseas Transaction Costs and Firm Export Performance
Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 41, No. 2 , pp. 639-669 , 2008,(with Richard Kneller , Mauro Pisu)

Market Size and Survival of Foreign-owned Firms
Economic Record , Volume. 83 Issue s1 Page S1-S93, 2007 (with Rod Falvey , David Greenaway )

Firm-Level Interaction between Exporting and Productivity : Industry Specific Evidence
Review of World Economics/ Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Volume.140 No.3 Page 376-393 , 2004 (with David Greenaway)