Zhichao Feng

Assistant Professor, Presidential Young Scholar

Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, Faculty of Business

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Ph.D., Operations Management, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2020

M.S., Statistics, The University of Texas at Dallas, 2019

B. Engineering and B. Economics, Tsinghua University, 2014


Research Interests

Applications: Pricing and Revenue Management, Online Advertising, Queueing Theory and its Applications, Process Analysis.

Methodologies: Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Statistical Learning Theory, Asymptotic Analysis, Optimization.


Dawande, M., Feng, Z., and Janakiraman, G., 2021. On the Structure of Bottlenecks in Processes. Management Science, 67(6): 3853–3870.

Feng, Z., Dawande, M., and Janakiraman, G., 2021. On the Capacity of a Process with Batch Processing and Setup times. Production and Operations Management, 30(11): 4273-4287.

Feng, Z., Dawande, M., Janakiraman, G., and Qi, A., 2023. An Asymptotically Tight Learning Algorithm for Mobile-Promotion Platforms. Management Science, 69(3):1536-1554.

Feng, Z., Dawande, M., Janakiraman, G., and Qi, A., 2024. Dynamic Pricing and Learning with Discounting. Operations Research, 72(2): 481-492.

Feng, Z., Li, A., Walczak, D., and Cakanyıldırım, M., Dynamic and Flexible Capacity Management for Flight Compartments and Beyond. Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management.

Working Papers 

Feng, Z., Dawande, M., Janakiraman, G., and Qi, A., Service Systems with On-Demand and Reserved Servers

Feng, Z., Dawande, M., Janakiraman, G., and Qi, A., Online Learning and Capacity Management in Cloud-Cost Optimization


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

LGT5425: Business Analytics

LGT5109: International Operations Management

LGT6006: Statistics and Game Theoretic Methods for Business Analysis and Decisions

The University of Texas at Dallas

OPRE3310: Operations Management

Prospective Students 

I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students with solid mathematical background and an interest in doing research on decision-making under uncertainty with potential applications in supply chain management, revenue management, and queueing. Students with a bachelor/master degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, industrial engineering, operations research, and computer science are welcome to email me with your CV and transcript.(Research Assistant / Postdoctoral Fellow applications are also welcome.) 

Competitive financial support will be provided (see https://www.polyu.edu.hk/gs/prospective-students/fellowship-scholarship-schemes/).

Contact Information 

M611, 6/F, Li Ka Shing Tower

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Email: zhi-chao.feng@polyu.edu.hk