DR. Zhenhua Jia (贾振华)

Email: zhenhua AT winlab DOT rutgers DOT edu

About Me

I am currently working on algorithms for autonomous driving at NVIDIA. Before joined NVIDIA, I was a Ph.D. candidate at WINLAB/ECE, Rutgers University, supervised by Prof. Yanyong Zhang. Also, I closely worked with Dr. Richard E. Howard during my Ph.D. study. Before coming to Rutgers University, I studied Information Engineering at Southeast University as an undergraduate student. My research interest is focused on Smart Health, Unobtrusive Sensing, Signal Processing and Machine Learning.


(01/2021) Our paper, "Elf: Accelerate High-resolution Mobile Deep Vision with Content-aware Parallel Offloading", is conditionally accepted to ACM MobiCom 2021.

(10/2020) Our paper, "The NVIDIA PilotNet Experiments", is released on arXiv.

(01/2020) Our paper, “In-Bed Body Motion Detection and Classification System ", is accepted to ACM TOSN.

(08/2019) Our paper, “MotionPhone: a Wireless Geophone-Based In-Bed Body Motion Detection and Classification System", is accepted to ICORIS 2019.

(11/2018) Our paper, “Hetero-Edge: Orchestration of Real-time Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Clouds ", is accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 2019.

(10/2018) I finished my dissertation defense!

(10/2018) I officially joined NVIDIA as a R&D engineer working on the Autonomous Driving project.

(09/2018) Our poster, “Poster Abstract: Enabling Concurrent IoT Transmissions in Distributed C-RAN ”, is accepted to ACM SenSys 2018.

(07/2018) Our paper, “Continuous Low-Power Ammonia Monitoring Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks”, is accepted to ACM SenSys 2018.

(07/2018) I received Rutgers ECE Research Development Award.