
Publications and Manuscripts

Teamwork RL with Concave Utilities

Sketching for First Order Method: Efficient Algorithm for Low-Bandwidth Channel and Vulnerability

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Cost-Effective MedicalDiagnosis

Fast Graph Neural Tangent Kernel via Kronecker Sketching

On the Convergence and Sample Efficiency of Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient Method

Oblivious Sketching-based Central Path Method for Linear Programming 

Fast Sketching of Polynomial Kernels of Polynomial Degree

Generalized Leverage Score Sampling for Neural Networks

Scalable Lattice Influence Maximization

Online Factorization and Partition of Complex Networks from Random Walks

Decentralized RLS with Data-Adaptive Censoring for Regressions over Large-Scale Networks

Distributed Recursive Least-Squares with Data-Adaptive Censoring