In April 2023, I joined the Kyushu University Multi-Agent Lab as a tenure-track associate professor, while concurrently serving as a research scientist at the CyberAgent AI Lab under the cross-appointment system. Alongside these roles, I hold a visiting researcher position at the University of Tokyo Market Design Center (UTMD) and actively contribute to the ERATO Kojima Market Design Project, both under the direction of Prof. Fuhito Kojima

In September 2020, I earned my PhD degree from UNSW Sydney where I was fortunate to be supervised by A/Prof. Haris Aziz, Prof. Serge Gaspers and Prof. Toby Walsh. From 2014 to 2016, I pursued my master's degree at Kyushu University mentored by Prof. Makoto Yokoo. Prior to that, I completed my bachelor's study at Dalian University of Technology in 2013.

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