Academic Activieties
Conferences: (bold: invited talks)
Invited talk at quantum computation and quantum many-body miniworkshop, Chongli, China (2025)
AI for computational physics workshop at Fudan University, Shanghai, China (2024)
Invited talk at China National Computer Congress, Hengdian, China (2024)
Invited talk at non-Hermitian physics workshop, Enshi, China (2024)
Invited talk at APS March meeting, Minneapolis, MN (2024)
Invited talk at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2023)
Invited talk at Fudan University, Shanghai, China (2023)
Youth forum of quantum transport, Nanjing, China (2023)
Invited talk at non-Hermitian physics workshop, Xining, China (2023)
Conference on New Generation Machine Learning, Suzhou, China (2023)
Director Forum at Shenzhen international quantum laboratory, Shenzhen, China (2023)
Online talk at APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (2023)
Invited talk at Tencent quantum laboratory, Shenzhen, China (2022)
M-S-T workshop, Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, China (2022)
Online talk at APS March meeting, Chicago, IL (2022)
Invited talk at IOP and KITS, Beijing, China (2021)
Invited talk at Korean Magnetics Society, Korea (2021)
Invited talk at Harvard University, Boston, MA (2021)
Invited talk at Shanghai Qizhi Institute, Shanghai, China (2021)
Invited talk at Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China (2021)
Invited talk at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong, China (2021)
Localization, Many-body Physics and Machine-learning Application to Physics Research, Beijing, China (2020)
SNU-PKU-UTokyo Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Materials, Beijing, China (2020)
Invited talk at Pengcheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China (2019)
Machine learning for Quantum Design, Waterloo, ON (2019)
Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Liyang, China (2019)
APS March meeting, Boston, MA (2019)
Machine Learning for Quantum Many-Body Physics, Santa Barbara, CA (2019)
Topology and quantum phases of matter, Cambridge, MA (2018)
Invited talk at Harvard University, Cambriage, MA (2018)
Machine Learning for Quantum Many-body Physics, Dresden, Germany (2018)
Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials, Ithaca, NY (2018)
Invited talk at Los Alamos national laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (2018)
APS March meeting, Los Angeles, CA (2018)
Theory Winter School, Tallahassee, FL (2018)
Intertwined Order and Fluctuations in Quantum Materials, Santa Barbara, CA (2017)
Machine Learning and Many-Body Physics, Beijing, China (2017)
Conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Shanghai, China (2017)
Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Materials, Ithaca, NY (2017)
Quantum Machine learning, Cologne, Germany (2017)
APS March meeting, New Orleans, LA (2017)
Symmetry, Topology, and Quantum Phases of Matter: From Tensor Networks to Physical Realizations, Santa Barbara, CA (2016)
Embodied Imagination For Creative Processes, Stanford, CA (2016)
APS March meeting, Baltimore, MD (2016)
Intertwined Orders in Strongly Correlated Systems, Laguna Beach, CA (2016)
Fundamental bounds on quantum dynamics: Chaos, Dissipation, Entanglement, and Complexity, Stanford, CA (2015)
New Phases and Emergent Phenomena in Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling, Santa Barbara, CA (2015)
APS March meeting, San Antonio, TX (2015)
Entanglement in Strongly-Correlated Quantum Matter, Santa Barbara, CA (2015)
Fundamental Physics Breakthough Symposium, Stanford, CA (2014)
Overarching Issues in the Theory of Highly Correlated Electron Fluids, Stanford, CA (2014)
Tensor Networks and Simulations, Berkeley, CA (2014)
APS March meeting, Denver, CO (2014)
9th Princeton Summer School on Condensed Matter Physics, Princeton, NJ (2013)
Frontiers Condensed Matter Physics Workshop, Watsonville, CA (2013)
APS March meeting 2013, Baltimore, MD (2013)
APS March meeting 2012, Boston, MA (2012)
Princeton summer school on condensed matter physics on ultra-cold atoms and magnetism, Princeton, NJ (2011)
APS March meeting 2011, Dallas, TX (2011)
The Boulder School in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics on Computational and Conceptual Approaches to Quantum Many-Body Systems, Boulder, CO (2010)
APS March meeting 2010, Portland, OR (2010)
Exotic Superconducting and Insulating Phases of Quantum Matter, Baltimore, MD (2010)
KITP graduate fellow, Santa Barbara, CA (2010)
Opportunity at the nexus of atomic and condensed-matter physics, Berkeley, CA (2009)
California Condensed Matter Theory Meeting, Riverside, CA (2008)
Bethe fellowship, Cornell University (2016)
SITP fellowship, Stanford University (2012)
Jackson C. Koo Award in condensed matter physics (2011)
KITP graduate student fellowship (2010)
University outstanding GSI, University of California, Berkeley (2009)
Outstanding undergraduate thesis of Fudan University, Shanghai (2008)
Johnson Controls scholarship (2007)