
Research Interests

  • Strategic Sourcing

  • Behavioral Operations Management

  • Pricing and Revenue management

Research Papers

  • Optimal Contract Under Asymmetric Information About Fairness. With Valery Pavlov and Elena Katok; Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Accepted.

  • "Now or Later?" : When to Deploy Qualification Screening in Open-Bid Auction for Re-Sourcing. With Qi (George) Chen and Elena Katok; Operations Research. Accepted.

  • To Stop or Not, That Is the Question: When Should a Buyer Hit the Brakes For Supply Base Rationalization? With Qi (George) Chen and Elena Katok. Work-in-Progress.

  • Dynamic Pricing for Crowdfunding. With Elena Katok. Work-in-Progress.

Conference Presentations

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2019, Seattle, WA

  • INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2018, Phoenix, AZ

  • POMS Annual Conference, 2019, Washington, D.C.