Recent Discussions

The Benchmark Greenium, by D’Amico, Klausmann, and Pancast

Systemic Climate Risk, by Jourde and Moreau

Responsible Consumption, Demand Elasticity, and the Green Premium, by Chen, Garlappi, and Lazrak

Dollar and Carry Redux, by Liu, Maurer, Vedolin, and Zhang

Measuring the Climate Risk Exposure of Insurers, by Jung, Engle, Ge, and Zhang

Biodiversity Risk, by Giglio, Kuchler, Stroebel, and Zeng

Green Tilts, by Pastor, Stambaugh, and Taylor

Disclosing Climate Adaptation: Does it Bring Home the Green?, by Venturini

US Interest Rate Surprises and Currency Returns, by Antolin-Dias, Cenedese, Han, and Sarno

When Green Investors Are Green Consumers, by Sauzet and Zerbib