
Fun Facts

Location: Russian Federation, Ufa

Favorite Non-KeyForge Hobby: Board Games and books

Favorite Music: I used to primarily be an alternative rock fan, but now my playlist includes a wide range of genres

Favorite Sport: Football (soccer)

Favorite House


I like to say that a deck without Logos isn't a competitive deck. I mean it as a joke, but there's a little truth in every joke. Logos is an engine that allows other houses and situational cards to shine, and it also increases the consistency of every combo that involves two or more cards.

Favorite Card


This is one of most powerful artifacts in the game. Besides the obvious combos and discard protection, this card also adds a very interesting layer of decision making. If you have this card on the field you need to really think about every card you want to play. Which is more valuable, to dig one card deeper into your deck, or to play the card in question?

Favorite Style

Crazy Draw / Archive engines

I love decks that can draw and/or archive your entire deck. It's an amazing feeling to hold your whole deck in you hands and thoroughly plan your devastating next turn!

Most Fun Deck

First of all this deck has a fun name Бублик из Алюминия - Bagel from Aluminum. And it is a very hard bagel to crack :)
I opened this deck myself and it has perfectly placed enhancements that make it really unique! It even features a pseudo-Timetraveler due to the enhancements. This deck can draw 10+ cards in one Untamed turn due to draw icons and archive the same amount if Chronus is on the board.

My Favorite KeyForge Moment

The first deck I opened in KeyForge was a Restringuntus deck: The Robotic Innkeeper.

In one of my first games in KeyForge I played this card and called Untamed. Then my opponent and I discussed the wording of the card for a while, and they tried to convince me that it only blocks a house choice for one turn. But finally we figured out that it is a continuous effect, and they showed me their hand with 6 Untamed cards and we shook hands. :) Maybe the presence of win conditions like this pushed me to play the game more!

Additional Contributions

I am one of the most active members of the KeyForge Russian Community. We organize online events, have active communication channels, etc. Join us!

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