Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) program @ CSULB

Program Overview

Provide the market in California with highly qualified engineers and technicians for ZEV with the aim of decreasing the unemployment and poverty levels in the state. Certifications will be presented after the completion of the program. 

By the end of this project, the following are expected:


The ZEV Program offers a 4-course certificate program to each cohort. 

A new cohort begins each academic semester (Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024, Spring 2025).

We are funded by the California Energy Commission to educate and foster the next generation of certified engineers and technicians to combat vehicle smog and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Who can join?

Public/Veterans/Under-Served Groups/Non-Engineering Background/Existing CSULB students are welcome to join the Zero-Emission Vehicle Program!


Hands-On Experience

The Zero-Emission Vehicle Program highly values hands-on experience for our participants. 

Specifically, we encourage students to engage with the material by having only 1 hour of seminar and 3 hours of laboratory time for each course. Thus, students can interact with the material and develop practical skills.

Course Materials

Those who are enrolled in the program can access their respective course materials through BeachBoard/CANVAS.