Hi community, I am a goosebumps lover from Italy. I need your help to reconstruct one of my oldest memories. When I was a kid, my cousin had one of these calendars (1998, 1999 or maybe 2000). Since then, I somehow associate the name of the months with some specific goosebumps covers. The issue is that I cannot remember what calendar was that, nor what were the precise cover arts inside. I am not even sure that the Italian calendar was identical to foreign ones.

The cover illustration depicts Slappy lying in bed and screaming. His eyes are bloodshot as he pulls the covers closer in fear from his terrifying nightmare . His pillow and blanket are purple and covered in pink sheep.

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Slappy suddenly wakes up back in the dressing room. The whole incident had been a nightmare. He's happy to be alive but still insults Jimmy when given the opportunity. Suddenly, a box is brought into the room containing Wally. Slappy panics, but Jimmy tells him that some nightmares do come true. Jimmy then quickly starts reading the curse.

So pick up a Slappy the Dummy Vacuform Mask for Halloween and give all your friends goosebumps. Just make sure you don't say the magic words..... "Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano"......or your Halloween may turn into a true horror!

It has been joyful and empowering and also at times a complete nightmare. I have no regrets because I have a personal challenge to myself that every year of my life I add a new skill. I believe that we should always see ourselves as perpetual students of life and human behaviour and our own self-awareness. After working independently for 10 years, I have never once considered going back to the corporate world and working for an employer. Even through all the financial difficulties.

Wow, Alison, quite the experience! I have experienced sleep paralysis many times since I was 11yo and it does sound like some version of that, but it seems you were spared what can often feel like a horrid nightmare and instead you received a gift. Trust me, the things I used to see as a child with sleep paralysis are not what you would want to see. But I have also had non-sleep-paralysis experiences like what you are describing, where one of my grandmothers has come to visit me. It felt like a dream but I was awake, slightly more awake than with sleep paralysis, so it was more of a waking vision. In any case, what a gift! If you continue staying open to similar (hopefully positive) experiences, you might just start having more. You also might be having more but just not realize it (in your actual sleep). Learning to lucid dream is another way to tap into more of that.

32. It's Only a Nightmare!

Author: R. L. Stine

Illustrator: Craig White (cover), no internal illustrations

First Published: December, 1998

ISBN: 0-590-76785-2

Length: 137 pages

Number of Endings: 40

Plot Summary: You're trying to sleep while visiting an inn with yourparents; this is a little difficult since your bed's headboard is covered increepy gargoyles and you have recurring nightmares about a strange being whocalls himself the Sleep Master.

My Thoughts: I think that I probably would have enjoyed this book hadI read it when I was younger; since it's about dreaming, it covers a broadvariety of scenarios, many of them not even attempting to be horrific in anyway. It's fast-paced and surreal, and it just feels a little different fromthe average book in this series. It lacks substance and direction, though,and being different doesn't really save it from being mediocre. It's achange of pace, but it's not an especially worthwhile one, nor does it comeclose to living up to its potential -- the Sleep Master could have been muchcreepier, and most of the dream scenarios lack originality and missopportunities for both scares and laughs.

I keep wondering what happened to the version of me laying on the ground. I keep thinking that I had a choice of which life to stay in, which one to save. If I had kept my eyes shut and accepted the other life, would I still be alive in this one? It's conceivable that I would've choked from coughing. And why was I wet and unconscious on the ground in the other life? Had I been drowning? It would explain the coughing in both lives. It really spooked me, I get goosebumps thinking about it still. I've not slept well since."

Amanda Holden was left in airport chaos this week when she missed an important flight to Italy after her "worst nightmare" happened moments before take-off. The TV presenter was jetting out to meet comedian Alan Carr from London City Airport.

"It was my worst nightmare, my poor friend who was with me, he had to carry on to Italy, and then I had to get into a taxi, I mean shout out to a lady called Georgie Hicks who just helped me all the way she could yesterday to get me onto that plane. 589ccfa754

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