I have worked The Right Brain Studio and Jeff Hirsch for over 20 years. Jeff is skillful researcher with a unique ability to uncover insights, understand the strategic implications and translate it all to an action plan. Jeff is also a great brainstorm facilitator with a tool box of unique processes and the ability to unleash the inner creativity of his participants.

A glowing white screen for a mobile app or website is what we expect when we think of using mobile and laptops for searching or interacting with people. Mobile apps, websites or even technology have always emerged as something that addresses our real-life problems and makes our lives easier. Now comes the age of zero UI, intended to make our lives better and even more convenient.

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Zero UI means there is no physical interface on the website or mobile app. This refers to a screen-less interaction among humans and the app. This means that the interaction takes place without the screen, with the use of voice control, gestures, and movements. One of the revolutionary products that are available in the market, offering the best zero UI design is virtual voice assistant like Alexa and Amazon Echo. These devices ensure voice-controlled commands, where the users simply use their voice commands and the devices follow the commands given over voice.

Zero UI and voice-controlled UI is the future of technologies. This is because, people prefer voice control, rather than the conventional method of search and use of screens and UI. Though it is called zero UI, it is not interfaceless. The interface is unconventional and blended easily with the system, such that human beings can interact with them seamlessly. Many investors and IT giants are investing in the zero UI mobile apps and websites, due to the high acceptance of the concept by the people. The conventional usage of mobile apps and websites are being slowly replaced by voice control and zero UI. In order to make these technologies even more effective, sensor-controlled appliances and devices are being used in the homes and offices which could also be controlled with voice commands and hence zero UI.

Zero UI has been simplifying life, helping you to move your eyes away from the white screen, connect to the real world, yet continue using mobile apps and websites. Nextbrain Studio offers you zero UI mobile apps and websites, that elevates the experiences of the users and make your websites and app stand out from the crowd. This is indeed a next-generation approach that is likely to take over the conventional ways of using technologies.

While I was sold on the game after its aforementioned demo a few months back, that small slice left out the core framing device in which all of these puzzles exist. Without spoilers, I really dug this overall structure, and it provided a nice anchor to the brain-teasers in the same way that GLaDOS did in Portal or the arc of the relationship did in Maquette. That framing device is also even more prescient in 2023 than the developers had probably intended, so kudos to them for that. Hideo Kojima would be proud.

One thing led to another and a couple of years later, The Brain became a bit of a regular haunt for Rian Hughes and myself. It was only three doors away from a studio we shared in Chinatown and a good place to hang out and drink rather elaborate cocktails. I finally met Barnzley himself when I was shooting the stills for William Orbit's, Strange Cargo III music video. He was the stylist on the shoot and turned out to be quite a comics aficionado, and quite a character too (to say the least!).

Here's a back page ad that I did for 2000 AD sometime in '89. I initially did the painting for a bit of practice really. I wanted to imagine that I'd photographed Judge Anderson in a studio setting. As it turned out there was an empty back page to fill on the comic one week, so Alan McKenzie came up with the idea of using it as part of an imaginary ad for the Justice Dept. He wrote the copy, I did the design & paste-up, and it went to press.

Let's take a deep breath and go through them: first US studio Jackalope Games in May 2022 (rebranded to Jackalyptic since), opening of Jar of Sparks in Seattle in July 2022, acquisition of Quantic Dream in August 2022, new Japanese studio GPTrack50 in October 2022, acquisition of Canadian game developer SkyBox Labs in January, creation of remote studio Spliced in February, Barcelona-based Anchor Point Studios in April, launch of Canadian developer Bad Brain Game Studios in May, alongside another new Japanese studio, PinCool.

The latest in this long list is T-Minus Zero Entertainment, a new Austin-based developer launched this August. Most of NetEase's newly created studios have one thing in common: they're leveraging the expertise of AAA veterans. And T-Minus is no exception as it's headed by co-founder of BioWare Austin and Battlecry Studios (now Bethesda Game Studios Austin) Rich Vogel, of Ultima Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic fame.

NetEase's trajectory, a healthy mix across acquisitions, investments and studio creations, is somewhat reminiscent of Embracer's strategy. A strategy that Embracer is now having to severely put the brakes on and rewind, with a restructuring currently ongoing at the company that's been affecting several of its recently acquired studios and leading to layoffs.

When meeting Vogel and game director Mark Tucker, we don't mention names but ask whether they do see that comparison with other companies that have acquired a lot of studios, and whether that's a trajectory that worries them.

"Every studio I've made has shipped a game," Vogel says. "One of the reasons they ship is because we really believe in making sure we build something that players want to play. If I played on day one would I come back and play again? If I'm 14 days out, would I continue playing the game again? Would I make it my hobby, would I come back for an update?

"But the issue is, when people build games like this from the start, they go too wide, too quickly. They don't really get to the fun part of the game. This is why Day One and Day Seven don't happen, because they just skip over it real fast because they want to get it done, they want to get it out the door. And really, that's the soul of the game, that moment to moment. If you don't have that, you're not going to be successful. So that's why we're going to stay small until we have sold a game, and then we'll start expanding the studio."

Tucker says the studio wants to be very "methodical" about its online title, adding that once the game is out there, "it becomes a collaboration between developer and the player in trying to meet their expectations."

I spent hours each day with the studio, taking classes, attending workshops, doing one on one sessions with the master, and traveling to retreats. When I officially began to train to become a master, I was then expected to stay each night and help clean up the studio. I attended even more after hour (sometimes in the early morning) trainings. The pressure to attend more retreats and trainings increased, so much so that my master had another high level member pay for my training (without my knowledge or consent) and, then, expected me to pay that member back by the time her credit card statement came in the mail. The training was $4,000. I sold my truck in order to do so.

I'd been hearing about this concept for a while now, but never realized it's an actual strategy to notetaking. As you'd expect, it's all about writing as much as possible so you can, well, have a second brain in note form.

It's worth discussing a crucial part of the Foam style of notetaking: you never need to group notes by directory. We're so used to using file systems to organize everything, but let's be honest, that's not how our brain works!

Elsewhere is a community that values inclusivity, joy, and creativity. In order to make this space accessible for everyone, we operate a strict zero-tolerance policy for harassment, discrimination, or hate of any kind. In order for you to join us, we require a US Government issued ID or foreign passport for admission! Please keep in mind that ticket sales are final, with the exception of an event cancellation.

@Popolon I fixed the wxlua package to build again using Lua 5.3, but this package (even modified to use Lua 5.3 packages) won't detect that either. It doesn't like being compiled under a non-default system Lua at all. The zerobrane-studio-git package doesn't fare any better right now because there is no upstream work that fixes what is actually broken.

wxlua-git currently compile with Lua-5.4, but then, zerobrain-studio doesn't detect it, as it try to search wxlua in lua 5.3. Perhaps a zerobrain-studio-git based on last git version could compile with it, else we need to wait for next releases of box wxlua and zerobrain.

The dynamics of many natural systems are fundamentally constrained by their underlying structure. For instance, the shape of a drum influences its acoustic properties, the morphology of a river bed shapes underwater currents and the geometry of a protein determines the molecules with which it can interact9. The nervous system is no exception, with the rich and complex spatiotemporal dynamics of anatomically distributed neuronal populations being supported by their intricate web of axonal interconnectivity1,10. Several studies have shown correlations between various properties of brain connectivity and activity11, but precisely how spatiotemporal patterns of neural dynamics are constrained by a relatively stable neuroanatomical scaffold remains unclear. 006ab0faaa

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