Central Bank of India (CBI) is an Indian public sector bank based in Mumbai.[5] Despite its name, it is not the central bank of India; The Indian central bank is the Reserve Bank of India.

Growth for individual digital payment users is set to triple in five years to 750 million, according to NPCI Chief Executive Officer Dilip Asbe; merchant users could double to 100 million. The central bank fosters a varied ecosystem of payment systems, he said, including RuPay, a debit and credit card issuer with a large market share, the National Financial Switch cash machine network, and a payment system using the national identity program to bring banking to underserved areas.

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Meanwhile, policymakers are planning another big bet on the future of digital money, with even more far-ranging effects on the economy. The RBI is exploring a central bank digital currency (CBDC) designed to meet monetary policy objectives of financial stability and efficient currency and payment operations.

The Chamberlain Commission was appointed to consider, among other things, certain measures taken by the Indian government to maintain the exchange value of the rupee, with a particular focus on evaluating if India needed a gold standard based on the circulation of gold currency. While the mandate of the commission was specific to the currency and exchange system, the members felt it essential to address another key question: the establishment of a state or central bank in India. On the request of the commission, Keynes, in collaboration with Sir Ernest Cable (another member), submitted a memorandum on Proposals for the establishment of a State Bank in India".

In 1913, Keynes proposed the merger of the three Presidency banks to create the Imperial Bank of India". The main functions of the bank included commercial banking activities (accepting deposits, lending, remittance and payment services) as well as central banking activities (management of note issue, management of public debt, banker to the government, rediscounting of bills). Interestingly, he thought that government subscription to the capital of the bank was not necessary as it would complicate rather than simplify the relations between the government and the shareholders". The bank would be governed by a central board, consisting of a governor (as chairman), a deputy governor, a government representative and the three managers of the Presidency head offices. The British Crown would appoint the governor and the viceroy would appoint the other board members.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was finally established in 1935, based on the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission (1925). By that time, the consensus around the world had changed. Central banking was considered an important and complex activity, not to be mixed with commercial banking to avoid conflict of interest. Thus, the commission proposed a pure play central bank and the Imperial Bank functioned primarily as a commercial bank once the RBI was established.

In wholesale banking, cross-border payments is especially ripe for change and could benefit from these modern technologies. According to the World Bank, India is the greatest recipient of remittances in the world, having received $87 billion USD in 2021, with the United States being the largest source, accounting for almost 20% of these payments. In 2022, it went up by 12% to reach $100 billion. The cost of sending remittances to India is therefore of essential importance to millions of Indians living abroad. Current remittance options can be expensive or fraught with risks due to (mis-)use of informal/illicit routes.

In other Indian banking news, the National Payments Corporation of India recently booted cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase off the popular Unified Payments Interface (UPI), which is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

While most CBDC initiatives are nascent, commercial bank leaders would be well advised to engage central banks in order to learn more about these digital initiatives and help shape future models. Along with summarizing the various models under consideration, this paper outlines the risks, opportunities, and potential paths forward for various stakeholders.

CBDCs differ fundamentally from other forms of digital coins in that they are directly backed by central bank deposits or a government pledge. Therefore, they offer stable value and can aim to combine benefits in the areas of trust, regulatory stability, and audit transparency.5For more on how the US Federal Reserve currently views the issues surrounding CBDCs, see Money and payments: The U.S. dollar in the age of digital transformation, Federal Reserve, January 2022, federalreserve.gov.

CBDCs could equip central banks to play a direct role in facilitating financial services access for the unbanked who are reluctant to connect to commercial banks or in some cases may be overlooked because they lack sufficient revenue potential. CBDCs could also enable accounts to be held directly on the central bank ledger, with account holders accessing and transacting with their balances through digital wallet applications linked to the central-bank account through APIs.

Each of the multiple CBDC design options is suited to a different set of strategic objectives. As central banks set their priorities and determine how best to achieve them, we believe they should consider five questions:

By adopting an agile approach, central banks can deploy a CBDC within three years, compared with five years or more using a traditional waterfall development model (Exhibit 1). Although adoption and realization of scale will likely prove to be longer-term efforts, lessons from early launches and a set of best practices (Exhibit 2) can help foster early market acceptance.

Most CBDC launches remain too new to assess fully, but as demonstrated in the sidebar, early adoption has been mostly tepid. What is holding back central banks from achieving their goals more rapidly? Early experience reveals four primary hurdles for effective rollouts:

With most central banks either in a pilot phase or in the process of developing a CBDC, progress is poised to continue over the coming year. Although we have yet to see a fully successful rollout, the policy objectives underpinning many of these pilots is likely to ensure significant pressure for adoption. Given the ongoing decline in cash usage, broad-based interest in digital assets, and persistent concerns about sovereignty and monetary stability, central banks appear highly motivated to continue exploring the potential of CBDCs.

A successful CBDC launch is likely to require cooperation between central and commercial banks, in an effort to develop a more inclusive and efficient monetary system with a sustainable business case. For either party, a go-it-alone course of action is far less likely to succeed.

REVISION: Liquidity, Liquidity Everywhere, Not a Drop to Use: Why Flooding Banks with Central Bank Reserves May Not Expand Liquidity

Date Posted:Tue, 06 Sep 2022 10:45:03 -0500

Central bank balance sheet expansion is financed by commercial banks. It involves not just a substitution of liquid central bank reserves for other assets held by commercial banks, but also a counterpart increase in commercial bank liabilities, such as short-term deposits issued to finance reserves. Banks typically also write a variety of other claims on reserve holdings. These claims reduce the net future availability of liquidity to the system, dampening the normal effect of reserves in improving liquidity. In episodes of stress when a large fraction of claims on liquidity are exercised, the demand for liquidity can even exceed available reserves, made scarcer due to hoarding by some liquid commercial banks. Therefore, because central bank balance sheet expansion operates through commercial bank balance sheets, it need not eliminate future episodes of liquidity stress, it may even exacerbate them. This may attenuate any positive monetary effects of reserve expansion on economic ...

REVISION: Liquidity, Liquidity Everywhere, Not a Drop to Use - Why Flooding Banks with Central Bank Reserves May Not Expand Liquidity

Date Posted:Tue, 06 Sep 2022 10:34:38 -0500

Central bank balance sheet expansion is financed by commercial banks. It involves not just a substitution of liquid central bank reserves for other assets held by commercial banks, but also a counterpart increase in commercial bank liabilities, such as short-term deposits issued to finance reserves. Banks typically also write a variety of other claims on reserve holdings. These claims reduce the net future availability of liquidity to the system, dampening the normal effect of reserves in improving liquidity. In episodes of stress when a large fraction of claims on liquidity are exercised, the demand for liquidity can even exceed available reserves, made scarcer due to hoarding by some liquid commercial banks. Therefore, because central bank balance sheet expansion operates through commercial bank balance sheets, it need not eliminate future episodes of liquidity stress, it may even exacerbate them. This may attenuate any positive monetary effects of reserve expansion on economic ...

REVISION: Liquidity, Liquidity Everywhere, Not a Drop to Use - Why Flooding Banks with Central Bank Reserves May Not Expand Liquidity

Date Posted:Wed, 27 Apr 2022 14:18:11 -0500

Central bank balance sheet expansion is financed by commercial banks. It involves not just a substitution of liquid central bank reserves for other assets held by commercial banks, but also a counterpart increase in commercial bank liabilities, such as short-term deposits issued to finance reserves. Banks typically also write a variety of other claims on reserve holdings. Normally, central bank balance sheet expansion will enhance the net future availability of liquidity to the system. However, in episodes of stress when a large fraction of claims on liquidity are exercised, the demand for liquidity can be significantly greater than the availability of reserves. Furthermore, at such times some liquid commercial banks may hoard reserves to bolster their own prospects, contributing significantly to liquidity shortages. Therefore, because central bank balance sheet expansion operates through commercial bank balance sheets, it need not eliminate future episodes of liquidity stress, it ... 006ab0faaa

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