Privacy policy for zentile app

Privacy policy :

This site is for inform you how the app is working ?

This is an dictionary app where you're allowed to get the answer for your words

This app is not asking you to create an account or enter phone number

The app is getting the information throught the google dictionary extension

The app allows you to search via text or voice (speech to text)

If you're facing any difficulties to read the result you may click the specific item on the list

so the app will read for you.(text to speech)

The app is only showing text results. Images and videos are not included in the result list

Personal informations :

This app will never ask your personal informations like email,phone number or user's image

The app is safe for childrens?

The app is realy safe for childrens as this app is made for educational purpose.

9 and above childrens can use this app


Zentile - dictionary app