Bringing Zen Learners Together
A Non-Organized Organization for Zen Practitioners
Our Mission
While Zen teachers have associations within which they share collegiality and information, other Zen practitioners have not, till now, been able to benefit from similar opportunities. Independent practitioners may be searching for a healthy sangha. Members of sangha boards, who often start their terms with little knowledge about what they are supposed to do, may have no one to turn to with questions. Sangha members inspired or disturbed by events in their sanghas have had no way to share what they've learned with others. The Zen Learners Association's mission is to provide opportunities for communications involving all Zen practitioners.
Join this group to communicate by email directly with members of other sanghas!
See the Resources page for information that might answer your question!
Wouldn't it be nice to get together with other sanghas sometime? For now, we can arrange for ourselves via email.
"Us" is you. This will become a helpful and lively initiative if you join in and make it so!