Zeke Xie's Homepage

"Towards AI Science."

Zeke Xie (谢 泽柯) Assistant Professor of Data Science and Analytics/Artificial Intelligence, HKUST (GZ) Email: zekexie at hkust-gz.edu.cn  

My mission is to find a way towards AI Science.


Dr. Zeke Xie is an Assistant Professor jointly appointed by DSA Thrust and AI Thrust, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I will also be an affiliated Assistant Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Clear Water Bay).

Previously, I was a researcher at Baidu Research responsible for large models and AIGC research. I obtained Ph.D. and M.E.  both from The University of Tokyo. I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Issei Sato and Prof. Masashi Sugiyama. I was also affiliated with RIKEN AIP during the Ph.D. study. Before that, I obtained Bachelor of Science from University of Science and Technology of China. 

My mission is to find a way towards AI Science (the science of AI). I am generally interested in understanding and solving fundamental issues of modern AI by scientific principles and methodology. My current research projects focus on foundations of machine learning and generative AI

I wrote a number of popular science articles and tech blogs. I am glad to share my thoughts and communicate with more than 200k followers who are interested in my articles/blogs.  


I am recruiting multiple PhD students, RAs, and postdocs who can enjoy the mission and the experience of exploring the boundary of human knowledge. Students who truly enjoy the process itself and share similar research interests are highly welcomed to work with me.

We will definitely gain both memorable experiences and rich results even beyond the initial expectation.

Please read this page for more information. 招聘信息详情请参考此链接。 


Towards AI Science

Nowadays AI is like the physics in or even before the era of Galileo.

Researchers may observe many interesting things about AI. 

However, we have no mathematical theory for most things. 

We need to find a road towards the era of Newton for AI. 

Science not only explains what works but also predicts what will work. 

Science gives quantitative and trustworthy results. 

Science establishes complex principles from first principles. 

We believe formulating AI Science will be the most important challenge in the future of AI. 

We hope to find a road towards the scientific revolution for AI. 

This is a mission in our generation.

"All models are wrong. But some are useful."