Media Coverage

International Media

Israeli Media (Hebrew)

  • Globes, Discrimination in the labor market

  • Globes, Irrational, but green: Green building is not gaining momentum

  • Calcalist, Sagi Muki fought against the statistics

  • Ha'aretz, When Being Too Pretty Costs You The Job

  • Ma'ariv NRG, Who is responsible for economic failures? Depends who you ask!

  • Globes, Candidates apply for plastic surgery before job interviews

  • Ynet, Study: Why do women refuse to quit smoking?

  • Walla News, The ultra-Orthodox in Jerusalem oppose tourism

  • Calcalist, What are the chances of good-looking candidates to find a job

  • The Marker, Study: Israelis do not believe the government will be able to handle the cost of living

  • Ma'ariv NRG Living under the threat of terrorism has an impact on financial decision making

  • Ma'ariv NRG, New research: Anti-smoking campaigns are more effective among men compared to women

  • Walla News, Study: Beautiful women find it harder to find a job

  • Ma'ariv NRG, For the parties' attention: Talking about National Securiry adds votes