Privacy Policy



ZeeSol (ZS) provides free tools, games, tutorials and entertainment especially for mobile devices apps. ZS respects the privacy of users of all its apps and Games especially their personal information like names. User IDs, contacts of email addresses, photos, videos, text messages or other content (whichever works by selecting in a particular app) for the entire life of the app. According to this policy, I ZS does not collect, store, process or transmit any personal information other than the device or website where the Application / Game is installed beyond the stated and public functions of any Apps / Games. In addition, ZS does not share user personal information with other Apps / Games, devices, profiles or any third party in any way even on the device installed on the App and the game for any reason. The only exception to this statement is the presentation of personal or localized ads within Apps and Games that are activated by Google Admob or another Ad Networks Software Development Kit (SDK) using certain device information through the Ad Network. That information sharing is usually limited to the selection of Ads by the Ad Network. According to any information collected, processed, stored or transmitted within the specified scope of activities published in the App / Game it is strictly authorized with the authorization and permission of users. Most of the time, such events are initiated by the user himself at all times. In addition, any personal information acquired / stored within the installed application and game application will be permanently deleted and deleted from the device permanently upon the release of the Application by the user in order to protect his or her privacy and record that NO is stored anywhere. for whatever reason. Although ZS makes a concerted effort to protect the personal information specified above while it is stored in the phone or in the App / Game application within the specified location, ZS will not be liable for any loss of information or data and any resulting loss / damage. for any reason including malfunction of the host device or any other malicious code or Apps and Games on which it operates.
In compliance with Google's EU User Consent Policy, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and the UK are hereby informed that our app adheres to the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). To secure your consent for the use of cookies and local storage, and to facilitate compliance with GDPR requirements, we leverage Privacy & messaging with integrated Funding Choices functionality. Through this, a clear message is presented to users, outlining ad technology providers and seeking consent for personalized ads and other data uses. For further details and transparency, users are encouraged to review the Guidelines for using Privacy & messaging. As a user in the EEA or the UK, you have specific rights under the GDPR, and any queries can be directed to Thank you for choosing Zee sol, where your privacy is our priority. 


23 March Photo Frames

Cards,Frames & Gif