[Recent Submissions]


[J4]  Z. Akhtar, A. S. Bedi, S. T. Thomdapu and K. Rajawat, "Projection-Free Algorithm for Stochastic Bi-level Optimization",  in IEEE Transactions on  Signal Processing , Vol: 70, PP:     6332-63474, Dec. 2022.

[J3]  Z. Akhtar and K. Rajawat, "Zeroth and First Order Stochastic Frank-Wolfe Algorithms for Constrained Optimization",   in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing , Vol: 70, PP:       2119-2135, March 2022.          

[J2]  Z. Akhtar, A. S. Bedi, and K. Rajawat, "Conservative Stochastic Optimization with Expectation Constraints ," in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing Vol: 69 , PP: 3190-   3205, May 2021

[J1]  Z. Akhtar and E. Khan, Revealing the Traces of Histogram Equalization in Digital ImagesIET Image Processing , Vol: 12 , PP: 760 - 768,  April 2018. 


[C5] Z. Akhtar, A .S. Bedi and K. Rajawat, "Stochastic Bilevel Projection-Free Optimization", in Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Washington, DC, USA, Feb, 2023.

[C4] Z. Akhtar and K. Rajawat, "Momentum based Projection Free Stochastic Optimization Under Affine Constraints", in American Control Conference (ACC), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May, 2021.

[C3] Z. Akhtar, A .S. Bedi and K. Rajawat, "Conservative Stochastic Optimization: O(T^(-1/2)) Optimality Gap with Zero Constraint Violation", in American Control Conference (ACC), New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May, 2021.

[C2]  Z. Akhtar and T. Guha, Computational Analysis of Gaze Behavior in Autism During Interaction with Virtual Agents,  in  IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) , Brighton, United Kingdom , May 2019.

[C1] Z. Akhtar and E. Khan, Identifying High Quality JPEG Compressed Images Through Exhaustive Recompression Technique,”  in IEEE International Conference  on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) , 2016, pp. 652–656.