March 06-08

Farming Gods Way

Jonathan & Lyn Bremner 

     – Certified Instructors (RSA)


This is part one of a two-part class. The classes are different, so plan to attend both the March and September classes.

May 14-16

Discipleship for Churches: Real Life Discipleship

Matt Snyder and Team 

     -Certified Instructors (USA)


June 10-12

Trauma Healing

Comfort for Africa

Mick & Cathy Sander 

     – Certified Facilitators

July 29-31

Building the Church with: Lines, Circles, Squares (LCS)

Zion Bible College Mick Sander

     - Authors, Church Leader

August 12-14

Farming Gods Way (FGW)

Jonathan & Lyn Bremner 

     – Certified Instructors (RSA)

Sept 23-25

Discipleship for Church Leaders

Sifiso Dlamini with ZBC

     - Editor of Soul Strength 

for Africa

Zion Bible Offers Ongoing Training for amaZioni

Training seminars are designed to equip and encourage pastors as they serve their communities. Seminars are 3 days. Lunch is provided each day, as is tea and training materials. 



Seminars cost E300 for 3 days. You will receive tea, lunch each day, and other student materials. Additional materials may be available at an additional cost. Costs must be paid on registration. You are not registered until you have paid.

Do I have to be a ZBC student to attend the seminars?

No, seminars are open to the public.

Why Register?

To be sure there is enough materials and lunches, pre-registration is required for all seminars.

How To Register?

Contact the Zion Bible College office at +268 7695-0695 by phone or WhatsApp - or visit our offices during school year working hours. We are in Manzini by Tyres Point on the Bypass.