
List of subjects currently teaching

Histology and Embryology

Semester: I & II

Offered: 2023/2024

Cell and tissue biology and organology together with general and organ-specific embryology. Both in Serbian & English.

First year obligatory course.

Methodology of Scientific Research

Semester: I 

Offered: 2023/2024

Open science and open-access data.

Obligatory course for first-year PhD students.

Introduction to Medical Education

Semester: I

Offered: 2023/2024

Elective course for second-year students. 

eLearning in Medical Education

Semester: II

Offered: 2023/2024

Elective course for second-year students. 

Histological Methods

Semester: I

Offered: 2023/2024

Elective course for first-year students. 

Trends in Neuroscience

Semester: II

Offered: 2023

Elective course for first-year students.