Journal Articles
R Chandrasekar, MR Hasan, S. Ghosh, T. Gedeon, MZ Hossain, "Machine Learning to Detect Anxiety Disorders from Error-Related Negativity and EEG Signals",
R Najjar, MZ Hossain, KA Ahmed, MR Hasan, "Exploring Machine Learning Strategies in COVID-19 Prognostic Modelling: A Systematic Analysis of Diagnosis, Classification and Outcome Prediction", medRxiv, 2024.03. 17.24304450.
M. Jobayer, A. Taylor, MR. Hasan, KA. Ahmed, MZ. Hossain, "Machine Learning to Predict Gut Microbiomes of Agricultural Pests", bioRxiv, 2024.08. 12.607564.
X. Liu, MR. Hasan, T. Gedeon, MZ. Hossain, “MADE-for-ASD: A Multi-Atlas Deep Ensemble Network for Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorder”, Computers in Biology and Medicine, 182, 109083, 2024.
I. Hosseini, MZ. Hossain, Y. Zhang, S. Rahman, “Deep Learning Model for Simultaneous Recognition of Quantitative and Qualitative Emotion using Visual and Bio-sensing Data”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 248, 104121, 2024.
Y. Shen, MZ. Hossain, KA. Ahmed, S. Rahman, “An open set model for pest identification”, Computational Biology and Chemistry, 108, 108002, 2024.
HS. Mondal, MZ. Hossain, N. Birbilis, “A selective LSPR biosensor for molecular-level glycated albumin detection”, Heliyon, 9(12), e22795, 2023.
Y. Yang, MZ. Hossain, E. Stone, S. Rahman, “Spatial transcriptomics analysis of gene expression prediction using exemplar guided graph neural network”, Pattern Recognition, 145, 109966, 2024.
MR. Hasan, MZ. Hossain, S. Ghosh, A. Krishna, T. Gedeon, “Empathy Detection from Text, Audiovisual, Audio or Physiological Signals: Task Formulations and Machine Learning Methods”, arXiv:2311.00721
HS. Mondal, KA. Ahmed, N. Birbilis, MZ. Hossain, “Machine Learning for Detecting DNA Attachment on SPR biosensor”, Scientific Reports, 31(1), 3742, 2023.
X. Liu, MR. Hasan, KA. Ahmed, MZ. Hossain, "Machine learning to analyse omic-data for COVID-19 diagnosis and prognosis", BMC Bioinformatics, 24(7), 2023.
MAR. Khan, M. Rostov, JS. Rahman, KA. Ahmed, MZ. Hossain, "Assessing the Applicability of Machine Learning Models for Robotic Emotion Monitoring: A Survey", Applied Sciences 13(1):387, 2023.
MZ. Hossain, E. Daskalaki, A. Brustle, J. Desborough, CJ. Lueck, H. Suominen, "The role of machine learning in developing non-magnetic resonance imaging based biomarkers for multiple sclerosis: a systematic review", BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 22(1):242, 2022.
MR. Hasan, MM. Hasan, MZ. Hossain, "Effect of Vocal-tract Dynamics on Deep Neural Network-based Speech Recognition: A Bengali Language-based Study", Expert Systems, e13045, 2022.
X. Wei, MZ. Hossain, KA. Ahmed, "A ResNet Attention Model for Classifying Mosquitos from Wing-beating Sounds", Scientific Reports, 12(10334), 2022.
E. Daskalaki, A. Parkinson, N. Brew-Sam, MZ. Hossain, D. O'Neal, CJ. Nolan, H. Suominen, "The potential of current non-invasive wearable technology for monitoring of physiological signals in the management of type 1 diabetes: a literature survey", Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(4): e28901, 2022.
MR. Hasan, MM. Hasan, MZ. Hossain, "How many mel-frequency cepstral coefficients to be utilized in speech recognition? A study with the Bengali language", The Journal of Engineering, 1-11, 2021.
M. Spiller, YH. Liu, MZ. Hossain, T. Gedeon, J. Geissler, A. Nürnberger, “Predicting Visual Search Task Success from Eye Gaze Data as a Basis for User-Adaptive Information Visualization Systems”, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2021.
MZ. Hossain, T. Gedeon, R. Sankaranarayana, “Using temporal features of observer’s physiological measures to distinguish between genuine and fake smiles”, IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing, 11(1), 163-173, 2020.
MZ. Hossain and T. Gedeon, “Observers’ physiological measures in response to videos can be used to discriminate genuine from fake Smiles”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 122, 232-241, 2019.
MZ. Hossain, MM. Kabir, M. Shahjahan, “A Robust Feature Selection System with Colin’s CCA Network”, Neurocomputing, Elsevier Science, 173(3), 855-863, 2016.
MB. Uddin, MZ. Hossain, M. Ahmad, N. Ahmed, MA. Rashid, “Effects of Caffeinated Beverage Consumption on Electrocardiographic Parameters among Healthy Adults”, Modern Applied Science, 8(2), 69-77, 2014.
ANME. Kabir, MZ. Hossain, MA. Rashid, WOA. Saifuddin, M. Shahjahan, “Extraction of Inherent Frequency Components of Multiway EEG Data Using Two-Stage Neural Canonical Correlation Analysis”, Modern applied Science, 8(1), 164-175, 2014.
ANME. Kabir, HMI. Hasan, MA. Rashid, A. Azralmukmin, MZ. Hossain, M. Shahjahan, ‘Resemblance of Rain Fall in Bangladesh with Correlation Dimension and Neural Network Learning’, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(10), 1172-1180, 2013.