In progress: Noncommutative Poisson Hopf order (HPO) algebra, with K. Brown and J. Zhang.
In progress: Wild Monoids, with P. Ara and J. Clarmunt.
Submitted: Realization of monoids with countable sum, 2024, (PDF)
Submitted: A monoid-theoretical approach to infinite direct sum decompositions of modules, with D. Smertnig, 2024,
On noncommutative bounded factorization domains and prime rings, joint with Jason P. Bell, Ken Brown, and Daniel Smertnig, J. Algebra, 2023 (PDF)
Contravariant finiteness and iterated strong tilting, Joint with Manuel Saorin and Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann, to appear in Algebr. Represent. Theory , 2022 (PDF)
Covering classes and uniserial modules, (with A. Facchini and P. Příhoda ) J. Algebra, 570 (2021), 1-23.
Strongly flat modules and right noetherian chain domains, (with A. Facchini), in “Categorical, Homological and Combinatorial Methods in Algebra”, P. Guil Asensio, I. Herzog, A. Leroy and A. K. Srivastava Eds., Contemp. Math. 751, Amer. Math. Soc. 2020, pp.188-201.
Covering classes, strongly flat modules, and completions (with A. Facchini), Math. Z., 296 (2020), 239-259, DOI: 10.1007/s00209-019-02417-3.
Chain conditions on commutative monoids (with B. Davvaz), Semigroup Forum , 100 (2020), 732–742. DOI: 019-10032-1, (2019) 11 Pages.
On isonoetherian and isoartinian modules (with A. Facchini), in "Model Theory of Modules, Algebras and Cate- gories," A. Facchini, L. Gregory, S. L’Innocente and M. Tressl Eds., Contemp. Math., Amer. Math. Soc., 730 (2019), 1-22.
V -rings versus sigma- V -rings (with B. Davvaz and A. K. Srivastava), J. Algebra Appl., (2019).
Equivalence of some homological conditions for ring epimorphism (with A. Facchini), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 223 (4) (2018), 1440-1455.
Serial factorization of ideals (with A. Facchini), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 222 (12) (2018), 4239-4251.
Artinian dimension and isoradical of modules (with A. Facchini), J. Algebra, 484 (2017), 66-87.
Some new dimensions of modules and rings (with A. Ghorbani and M. Naji Esfahani), Comm. Algebra, 45 (8)(2017), 3353-3364.
Modules with chain conditions up to isomorphic (with A. Facchini), J. Algebra, 453 (2016), 578-601.
Indecomposable decomposition and couniserial dimension (with A. Ghorbani and S. K. Jain), Bull. Math. Sci., 5 (1) (2015), 121-136.
On commutative rings with uniserial dimension (with A. Ghorbani), J. Algebra Appl., 14 (1) (2015).
Uniserial dimension of modules (with A. Ghorbani and M. Behboodi), J. Algebra, 399 (2014), 894-903.