Zack Zimbalist

Journal Articles

Zack Zimbalist & Jorge Antonio Aspron Ramirez. 2023. Teaching and Researching International Development: Amplifying voices from the Global South. The Journal of International Development.

Theodore Kahn & Zack Zimbalist. 2022. How do local public spending decisions shape corruption perceptions? Evidence from Mexico. Latin American Politics and Society

Zimbalist, Zack. 2021. How electoral competition shapes local public goods provision in South Africa. Democratization. 

Zimbalist, Zack. 2021. Bystanders and response bias in face-to-face surveys in Africa. International Journal of Social Research Methodology.

Zimbalist, Zack. 2020. So many ‘Africanists’, so few Africans: reshaping our understanding of ‘African politics’ through greater nuance and amplification of African voices. Review of African Political Economy.

Theodore Kahn & Zack Zimbalist. 2020. Public investment versus government consumption: how FDI shocks shape the composition of subnational spending in Mexico. Review of International Political Economy.

Zimbalist, Zack. 2020. Explaining Variation in Levels of Public (Dis)trust in Traditional Leaders: Colonial Ruling Strategies and Contemporary Roles in Governance. Government and Opposition: An International Journal of Comparative Politics 1–22.

Zimbalist, Zack. 2018. “Fear-of-the-State Bias” in Survey Data, International Journal of Public Opinion Research 30(4): 631-651.

Zimbalist, Zack. 2017. Breaking down rural and urban bias and interrogating spatial inequality, evidence from South Africa. Dev Policy Rev 00:1-24.

Zimbalist, Zack. 2017. Analysing post-apartheid poverty trends by geo-type, 1997-2012: The understated role of urbanisation and social grants. Development Southern Africa 34(2): 151-167.