Things I've Made


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Boss AR Outfit Try-on

In collaboration with, Exclusible, and the Hugo Boss Metaverse team, I developed an AR application using React.js, Snapchat lenses, and This application allows customers to discover and try on NFT-powered unlockable outfits within the store.

Designed as a modular proof of concept, we anticipate adapting and selling this model to other brands, aiming to incentivize in-store visits by guiding customers to specific points of interest. Additionally, I spearheaded the creation of a brief promotional video, overseeing its planning, filming, and editing in a TikTok-style format.

Xfinity Store Configurator

At Xfinity Creative we had a small budget to give the team a new way to visualize Ad placements in store. We made some lemons into ice-cold lemonade and delivered a stunning digital twin built-in unreal engine that the CEO of Comcast was impressed by and is still used by the creative team today. Metrics wise this improvement led to a 300% reduction in time per iteration to implementation saving $1500 per iteration over $100,000 saved per year. 


Ucity makes civic engagement, authentic, transparent, and fun.

How do we do that? By using augmented reality to allow citizens to visualize future architectural projects and incentivize them to vote.

Why are we doing this? Three reasons

1.Change is hard because people can’t imagine the future

2.Community members want to have a valuable impact on their communities

3.Citizens feel like they are left out of the planning process of their own community.

Ucity enables on-the-spot and remote voting while the user visualizes future building or project plans in augmented reality. When the user votes, they receive Ucity tokens that can be used to purchase goods and services in the local community.

Today, we are using NReal augmented reality glasses, but our future plans include an inclusive WebAR that requires only a web browser interface as well.

Unity WebGL

This is a virtual 3D character that can be embedded into a Twitch stream and react to the streamer's chat via special commands that they specify. 

This leverages Unity, WebGL, Azure Cloud, and a few different javascript APIs to come to life.

CloutGoblinz in action

We teamed up with the music streamer kathleen_e11e to showcase the capabilities of the cloutgoblinz for her twitch stream. Her fans can interact with the goblin by typing commands like !dance or !playguitar in chat and the goblin will play alongside her.  kathleen_e11e and her fans alike benefit from the deeper more immersive interaction with her and her brand. 

Feeling stressed out? Is your boss hassling you? Need a quick boost to your mental health? Stress Bud is your virtual punching bag. Leave all your stresses on the mat  as you exercise, train, and improve your mental and physical health. 

Hit your problems in the face in a safe relaxing space. Unlock new items as you exercise and discover new creative ways to relieve built up stress.

After winning Best Outside of the Box Thinking from BNY Mellon at HackRU, my team and I decided to develop the project and the research behind it further. 

This resulted in the project becoming a published VR game for the Oculus Quest on SideQuest. We are currently applying to publish it on the Oculus Store.

VR Product Showcase

We were commissioned by a client to design and edit a product showcase for virtual cross-platform presentation of 3D objects in a retail sales setting.

AR Real Estate

Real estate Application letting customers view their potential home in tabletop augmented reality launched to the Android application for 3D printing construction company Humankind Homes

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