
"Error in Predictive Modeling of Partisan Identity."

In Progress

"Issue Ownership and Partisan Identity: Cross Pressures."

In Progress

"Political Careers and Socialization in the U.S. House of Representatives."

with Federico Lombisano and Hangsung Lim.

In Progress

"The Ingroup Love and Outgroup Hate of Christian Nationalism: Experimental Evidence about the Implementation of the Rule of Law."

Zachary Broeren and Paul Djupe. 2023.  

Published at Politics & Religion

"Christian Nationalism and Political Participation: Resources, Motivation, or Recruitment?"

Zachary Broeren and Paul Djupe. 

Working paper. 

"Attending Church Encourages Acceptance of Atheists? A Note on Suppression Effects in Religion and Politics Research."

Paul Djupe, Ryan Burge, Andrew Lewis, Anand Sokhey, Amanda Friesen, and Zachary Broeren. 2023

Under Review.