
Last updated on September 2013

Professional Projects

WellData and WellData Real Time URL: Welldata

  • Implemented new features for NOV’s WellData application using but not limited to C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript,JQuery and MS SQL Server 2008.

  • Improved the performance of well data report service and automated DB update process.

RigSense Rig site Information Systems URL: Rigsense

  • Implemented performance efficient (2X) Export Wizard for NOV’s Torque and Drag tools using Office Open XML API.

  • Implemented GasWatch screen in collaboration with the hardware team located in USA

Graduate Projects

  • Implemented an web-based hierarchical data visualization API for Visualizing and Interacting with Trees (AVIT).

  • Using AVIT users can generate and customize different tree layouts with minimal coding effort.

  • Conducted usability evaluations to gather developers feedback of AVIT.

Technology Used:

Java Script, SVG, CSS, HTML 5

Team Size: 3


[Demo] [Documentation] [Paper]

Agile Scholar [Sept 2010 - Dec 2010 ]

  • Implemented an aggregator for fetching and visualizing scholarly articles on agile software engineering from different sources in the web.

  • Implemented the data crawler module and geographic visualization module, performed unit and acceptance testing of the system.

  • Practiced agile principles. Worked with Team Foundation Server

  • Application has been written using ASP.NET. Google Maps API was used for geographical data visualization and MS SQL server and LINQ were used for data management. Selenium toolkit has been used for testing.

Technology Used:

ASP.NET MVC, MS SQL Server, LINQ, Jasmine, Selenium.

Team Size: 6

Movie Data Visualization Tool [Sept 2010 - Dec 2010]

  • As a requirement of Information Visualization course I have implemented an interactive data visualization tool.

  • The implemented tool helps addressing the question regarding "how age and gender differences affect the choice of different genres of movies?" by providing different visualization representation of the dataset with interactive filtering support.

Data includes 1682 movies and 100K ratings from 943 users.

Technology Used:

Java, MS SQL Server, Processing.

Media Surface: An Example of iOS to Tabletop Connectivity [June 2010 - Sept 2010]

  • Utilizing a Microsoft surface as the central interaction hub, we developed interaction techniques which enabled users to send and receive content from iPhones, iPads and iPods to the Microsoft surface.

  • Surface application has been written using C#.NET, Surface SDK and WPF, SOAP has been used to exchange data between server and the client application.

Technology Used:

C#, WPF, XML, Objective C, Microsoft Surface SDK.

Source code:

Undergraduate Software Projects

OSI Layer Implementation

Effectuated Physical Layer, Data Link Layer and Network Layer of Open System Interconnection in JAVA using Java Communication API . Link State Routing was used as routing algorithm adhering to all five steps carefully. To calculate shortest path among nodes in network, Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm was implemented. The whole system was evaluated in line, star and ring topology.

Technology Used:


Link: Java Code(Network Layer)

Customer Service Management System

Designed and implemented an Automated Customer Service Management Solution for a leading furniture company in Bangladesh. All steps of Software Engineering process like: Requirement Gathering , Use-case and Feasibility Analysis, Designing efficient Database Schema and User Interface Design were strictly followed. Actual users of the system were closely involved from the beginning to the completion of the project.

The solution was implemented in C# .NET Platform and SQL Server 2005 . We also used Crystal Reporting Tools for generating report and LINQ to access Database.

Technology Used:

C#.NET, MS SQL server 2005, Crystal Report.

Link: Final Report

Online Bus Tickets Booking Management System

Tickets booking System in Bangladesh was not available online and there were lots of mismanagement in existing services available via physical ticket booths including double booking, not convenient for customer living far from a ticket booth. As a part of Database course project, we decided to focus over this problem and designed efficient ERD for managing the data. After long extensive study of the local services we developed a prototype of An Online bus tickets booking Management System to simplify the administrative works and also to minimize the sufferings of the customers. Using the services a potential passenger can check the available sits and book the bus ticket from the comfort of their home.

Technology Used:

ASP.NET, Oracle 10g, SQL.

Computer Graphics:

Using OpenGL we have designed a model of "Shaheed Minar" - a proud symbol remembering the martyrs of 1952 language movement. We also, designed "Boishaki Mela of Bangladesh" which is a indigenous festival held as a celebration of the Bengali New Year. During the development we got hands on experience using the Camera, Lighting, Shading, Texturing and Animation features of OpenGL framework.

Technology Used:

OpenGL library, C++.

Operating System:

Implemented and solved Multiple Barbers Problem, Lock and Condition Variables, Input-Output, Thread, Mutex and two System Calls (Read and Write) in Nachos. Also solved one of the basic Inter Process Communication problem, The Producer Consumer Problem in C++

Technology Used:

C++, Nachos, Bash Scripting.

Link: Introduction

Image Recognition

As a project of Pattern Recognition, we developed a Image Recognition Software which employed Logarithmic approach to reduce time constraint using MATLAB.


Capable of resolving Recursive Function Calling, a compiler was developed using Lex and Yacc, which used hash-based symbol table to look up keywords.

Course: Compilers

Mail Client:

An Email Client capable of sending, receiving and storing messages with an address book was developed.

Technology used: J2SE and SMTP server

Course: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Course.

Technology Used:


Undergraduate Hardware Projects

Wireless Keyboard and Mouse:

As a part of Computer Interfacing Project we studied PS/2 Protocol and implemented an Wireless Keyboard and Mouse. Our wireless keyboard and mouse consists of a wired ps/2 keyboard, a wired ps/2 mouse, two ATMega32 microcontrollers, one 433 MHz transmitter, one 315MHz transmitter, one 433MHz receiver and one 315MHz receiver from Radiotronix.

Interfacing Report

As a requirement of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Project, a 32-bit Microprocessor with Memory was designed and implemented using Field Programmable Gate Array. This Microprocessor could execute 8 basic instructions.

Digital System Design:

A Microprogram Controlled 4-bit Microprocessor with Branch Prediction capability, 4-stage Pipelining, able to perform 28 instructions, was designed meticulously according to Three BUS Architecture and also implemented in circuit board. It had separate Data and Instruction RAM.

Digital Oscilloscope:

Designed and implemented a Digital Oscilloscope [-10v{10v] with high precision as an Electronic project.

1. 4 bit ALU

2. Modified Booth

3. 4-bit Microprocessor