Atomic English

Post date: Jan 17, 2020 7:20:41 AM

RD-blog-number-2954 by Herb Zinser

The Enrico Fermi atomic Energy language wars at Virginia TECH and Northern Illinois University

The periodic atomic table has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic, bio-physics humanoids that use and think using atomic languages ...such as Italian and English and Spanish.

These atomic expression languages occur like a double helix, a double-speak ....a duality .

1) we have the technical languages of physics,chemistry, and biochemistry that describe electron shells and their usage for the physical sciences and physical engineering.

The above uses the odd integers of the atomic mathematical-physics integer continuum ..... the ODD integers with electrons describe physical entities like: solids, liquids, and gases.

2) the 2nd atomic table expression is the information data spaces ...that use the EVEN integers of the continuum, These are NEVER discussed. Hence, we have the communications VOID and the violations of the communications protocol between NATURE and human society.

The major EVEN integers create or document an EVENT ... as suggested by the EVENT HORIZON of astrophysics theory applied to astrophysics local region (EARTH LAB) ...... and using super-symmetry mirrors we can map those concepts into the atomic nucleus to understand the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science expressions and languages ...and its ANGER at human treason to reason.

The major EVEN integers are

Base 2 (Binary),

Base 4 (Times Square in Manhattan), and

Base 16.

Base 2 LINKS to the 24 hour clock .....and the

Base 2 exponential clock --> code 24 H --->

Base 2 exponent 4 gives H = Hexadecimal --> Base 16 TIME zone.

Base 4 is the well-known 42nd STREET algebra TIME equation of TIme Squared.

Time Square --> symbol T exponent 2 --> 4 exponent 2 --> Base 16


24 hours TIME mirror 42

These symbol calculations help understand space/time relationships to human daily life and the geography TIME MAP in MAN ...... via the MANHATTAN visible display.

Let;s look at some expressions of the atomic table.

The atomic, bio-physics expression ot

En --> has the EARTH LAB periodic atomic table proper noun identifier of

En --> Enrico Fermi ...... that is atomic messenger


Fer = Ferrous oxide atoms in iron HEME group Fe(2) ion biochemistry structure display format.

Thus we see the

En --> Enrico version of Fer = Ferrous oxide atoms.

The 26 protons of IRON have the 26 letters of the English alphabet.

Fe = Ferrous oxide atoms in

BLOOD hemoglobin …. iron HEME group Fe(2)

ion biochemistry structure display format.

Enrico Fermi ...... was Italian and composed of electron orbital.

Orbital --> symbols --> Orb + Ital.

Thus the country of ITALY --> implies 4/5 is ITAL ..... which is part of Orbital theory.

Below, the EARTH geography surface

(a visible EXTERNAL information display )

of atomic system science SOFTWARE internals of the Margaret Mead nuclear family

Hence, we begin to understand his LINK to the atomic concepts that are used in atomic physics technology.

Atomic WORD --> ORBITAL --> OR (orders) + BIT (data bit) + AL (alphabets).

Now, the ORbital ORDERS also include Margaret Mead atomic social engineering orders, LIMITS and boundaries .... that apply to individuals, families and communities..

What happens when these atomic social laws are broken with university approval.

The atomic English language of ferrous oxide explains the the various concepts ...... embedded as subset messages .... thru mass communications: television, radio, books and newspapers.

The atomic English language of 26 letters .... and atomic element equation:

Language interface (element) Fe --> symbols --> L i F E spells Life.

We have laid a foundation of concepts for you to consider.

Now, let's look at ENRICO FERMI and his VA interaction theory ...appllied to Margaret Mead atomic social science WAR.

First ..the concept...‎

SS2011: ‚Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Part 2' ... •Problems withFermi's picture:

V-A-coupling doesn't describe the weak interaction very ...





The interaction term has a V-A (vector minus axial) form.

Fermi's interaction

In particle physics, Fermi's interaction (also the Fermi Theory of Beta Decay) is an explanation of the beta decay, proposed by Enrico Fermi in 1933.[1][2] The theory posits four fermions directly interacting with one another, at one vertex.

For example, this interaction explains beta decay of a neutron by direct coupling of a neutron with:

    1. an electron,
    2. an antineutrino and
    3. a proton.[3] Fermi first introduced this coupling in his description of beta decay in 1933.[4]
    4. virtual W- boson

Fermi first submitted his "tentative" theory of beta decay to the famous science journal Nature, which rejected it for being "too speculative." Nature later admitted the rejection to be one of the great editorial blunders in its history. Fermi then submitted the paper to Italian and German publications, which accepted and published it in 1933 in those languages, but it did not appear at the time in a primary publication in

English (Nature finally belatedly republished

Fermi's report on beta decay in

English on January 16, 1939).

Fermi's report on beta decay in Sartre existentialism

Fermi's report on beta decay ….. EARTH systems

Fermi's report on beta decay

Fermi's report on beta de cay

Fermi's report on beta code cayman Islands

Above, the model ....for the Margaret Mead atomic social engineering .... signaling EVENT.,

Fermi's report on beta decay in

English on April 16, 2007).‎

The VA Tech atomic mass massacre was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on ... the English department‎

SS2011: ‚Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, Part 2' ... •Problems with Fermi's picture:

V-A-coupling doesn't describe the weak interaction very

V-A-coupling → VA = Virginia post office abbreviation



V-A-coupling → Vagina blood information flow

……………………... menstruation


V-A-coupling → Salvador Dali year 1929

V-A-coupling → First Day of Spring

V-A-coupling … Around April 15, 2007





V-A-coupling of concepts


V-A-coupling …….

blood information flow 32 computer word size

V-A Coupling with VA TECH ..... Norris Hall atomic social engineering.‎

Physics 662, Chapter 7. 1 ... The weak boson and Fermi couplings. • Pion and .....since original theory only had vector interaction, and modern theory has V-A ...

Universe Bookstore-Va Tech Blacksburg, VA - Yelp › ShoppingOffice Equipment

-Va Tech Black.... sburg, › Physics DeptTalks

Neutrino Physics, Particle, Nuclear & Astronomical Sciences Seminars Fall 2011 - Spring 2012 .... Dark Matter and Milgrom's scaling: from Astronomy to Particle physics and back. In this talk I will introduce .... April 16 (Mon) 2:30pm

Fermi's report on decay in

English on January 16, 1939 --> March + April --> M AP + ril --> Map riddle →

Fermi's report on decay in

English on Jan ⇒ Jan

ZINJAN atomic skull project

Fermi's report on decay in

English on January 16 ..suggests ...

IBM hexadecimal BASE 16 on April 16, 2007

Fermi's report on decay in

English on 1939

year 1939 ….. numbers 19 and 39

---> 19 potassium atom 39 symbol K --> thinK --> April 16 2007 --> introduce .... April 16).

Thus we see a complex puzzle poised by Nature's direct SYMBOL MACHINES and the indirect SYMBOLIC MACHINES.

Now, let's see how we can understand Nature's system .......

using the EARTH geography island of Puerto RICO (Spanish and English languages)


the CHicago area Puerto RICO community of CH = Carbon and Hydrogen humanoid structures ---> to LINK to enRICO (atomic STATEof MIND).

Thus we are looking at the ITALIAN enRICO <---> LINK <----> Puerto RICO entities ..... and we wish to see this at the Margaret Mead atomic social level ...... better perceived as a Carl JUNG atomic collective unconsciousness (GROUP MIND) of the periodic atomic table of elements VIA the atomic humanoids and their interaction with the atomic collective LEVEL

What does this mean?

I go to Puerto Rico restaurant in Chicago and they talk English and Spanish. I order some food and chat with waitress for a few seconds. I might be with somebody I know with a Spanish background. We sit, talk, look around People come in and out of the restaurant. What I see and hear is at a conscious LEVEL ..... the same information my friend can see and hear.

Meanwhile, without my say so ..... Nature activates my sub-conscious processor to absorb the information ...... lots and lots ... including the subconscious signals of the other people.

Thus my subconscious has a lot of information .... my limited conscious brain has a few OBVIOUS things ..... like ya ,,,the female waitress is real HOT.

Thus we see the individual ...and our DUAL Nature.

Now, I go home, watch TV and the read a few pages of the GOD Particle book .... that links to the Carl Jung atomic collective with EnRICO. ............. and MY suncosnicous processor ...says enRICO --> en + Rico --> english /spanish Puerto RICO waitress in CHICAGO and the Puerto RICO IS = Information systems ISLAND (in the atomic collective data stream of thought). Then I begin to get ideas about physics ..and I wonder.

Nature uses the EARTH geography surface area as a MAP...a tool.

The EARTH is a large VISIBLE sphere .... that is a super-symmetry mirror for small, difficult to see, ATOM sphere /nucleus and orbitals (or a molecule).

Thus we can have a mapping function between the EARTH geography DISPLAY surface and the hidden Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family life of elements.

The INTERNAL periodic atomic table of elements can send information displays ...the atomic social science signal is amplified / enlarged and then put on visibile DISPLAY on the EARTH geography surface using humans as atomic display devices thru their daily human activities. .

Thus the atomic Margaret Mead nuclear family THOUGHTs

are projected onto the earth geography surface ….

as if it was a movie theater screen

Thus we have

1) The Earth geography country of Puerto RICO ( key to enRICO).

2) The hydrocarbon communications continuum LEVEL of organic chemistry of NATURE ...

the city of CH = Carbon/ hydrogen conduits in CHICAGO.

Hence, the existence of the Puerto Rico community in CHICAGO ........ and enRICO FERMI in CHICAGO ..... allows NATURE to establish a communication LINK between these various levels.

3) EARTH level geography MAP of Puerto RICO ---> thru the hydrocarbon biology of

CHICAGO atomic, bio-physics, bio-computer, english Puerto Rico people

--> maps to the Carl Jung atomic collective with the existential spirit of enRICO --> english data PORT (Puerto) RICO

and the spanned data records

of the Spanish language ... known to Pier ODDONE.

City of Chicago …


…. city blocks as data blocks

..Spanish language neighbors use

Spanned data record formats

Thus the EARTH geography surface MAP ---> atomic MAP for the Margaret Meda atomic nuclear family and its Hierarchy Problems in atomic social science communications.

The Hierarchy Problem WAR report ......EnRico and Va interaction ..military SYMBOL parameters and military SYMBOL weapons ... attack reports from newspaper symbol reports.

MILITARY atomic alphabet tools ..... and mission ootline codes

Enrico --> en + co AND Va interaction

GIVES 2 cases for military action on the EARTH geography ....

1) en and

2) co

1) en + Va Interaction -> english VA TECH battle

2) co + Va interaction --> Cole Hall shooting Valentine's Day.

Thus we see that Nature and periodic atomic table of elements does think for itself ...

and universities and the OFFICE of Science and world federal governments ought accept and announce these facts of REALITY and Nature's atomic social engineering rules, LIMITS, and policies.

Is enRICO (a symbolic life form in the Carl Jung atomic collective) a prisoner?

What does the EXTERNAL signal from Earth geography location Puerto RICO say (or not say) about the atomic LEVEL of thought.

The independence movement in Puerto Rico refers to initiatives

The independence movement in Puerto Rico refers to initiatives‎

It was carried out by two Puerto Rican pro-independence activists, Oscar Collazo ...They had learned that Truman was living at the Blair House, while the White ...‎

was carried out by BASE two Puerto .... enRico proton-independence activists,

Os/JCL Collate atomic data …

They had learned that Truman was living at the Blair House,

while the White Spectrum ...the electromagnetic WHITE HOUSE of the EYE/ optical nerve and its nouns./ verbs/ equations and concepts ....

.the electromagnetic WHITE HOUSE

of the Solar System government

..sunlight thoughts ……

enRICO Fermi you understand the his 11-dimensions ..... string me along?

St = Statistical decision theory