I have spent many years researching bushcraft and survival shelters, and reviewed the options with our team of experts. There are two main reasons to build a bushcraft shelter. For fun as a hobby or because you are in a survival situation.

Making a bushcraft shelter is easier if you have a few different tools. Of course, you can make a shelter with absolutely nothing, but many bushcrafters head into the field with these essential tools and gear.

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Having an camp style bushcraft axe makes processing wood much faster. Many quality outdoor shelters include processed wood of some kind, though you can throw up a quick shelter with just some sticks.

On the other hand, in an actual survival situation, you may be living in the woods for weeks. In this case, you can afford to spend more time and energy on your shelter. If you have a survival tent available, you may not need to even build a shelter.

You can quickly throw up a shelter if you have a plastic tarp. This shelter provides enough protection without making permanent environmental changes or requiring a lot of time. Just tie each end of the tarp to a tree and clear out an area for sleeping.

Finally, you can make this shelter without the use of a tarp. This shelter can be built with just some cordage and scavenged sticks. Simply tie a longer branch between two trees. Then, lean sticks against one side. You can put your fire in front of the shelter, and the sticks will reflect some heat.

If you have a tarp but not that many suitable trees, you can create a simplified tarp shelter with only a single tree. If you utilize the wind correctly, the wedge can protect against the wind and the rain (to some extent).

In the right environment, you may not need much protection. Or you may not have the time or materials to throw together a complete shelter. In this case, you can make the burrito to help waterproof your sleeping situation and provide some extra protection.

Some shelters are more improvable than others. A simple tarp shelter may not be improvable, but lean-tos and similar shelters are. You can combine a lean-to with a tarp shelter for an extra-large shelter wholly closed on one side. Now is your chance to get creative.

Next, you can heat up your pit stone (not the lid stone) in your fire. Transfer the hot rock to the pit in your shelter (a shovel is highly recommended) and cover the hole with your lid stone. The compartment will heat up quickly and radiate through the lid stone, providing a source of heat for several hours.

You can also add a bedding area to your shelter for added protection. Piling up leaves and sticks is a simple way to build a bed. However, we recommend using whatever you have on hand. Moss, pine needs, and similar materials also work great.

I have played The long dark for a couple of years on and off, almost exclusively survival mode, and I have never really gotten the hang of the snow shelter. Under what circumstances and how do you guys use it? If i get lost in a whiteout I find that it is not nearly enough to keep me warm, and while sleeping outdoors I find it easier to just bunk down with the bedroll wherever.

The fact that you can shoot a bow from the shelter and not be attacked by predators seems interesting. Although its scary if its not 100%. Is it only the bow that works or do revolvers and rifles work also?

Marsh Ridge in FM is also a good example. You can build a snow shelter in the shallow cave for extra warmth and build a fire that you can reach from inside. Then your fire doesn't need to be super hot all the time. For sleeping you can head into the indoor cave close by

I haven't used a gun in a long time, but I believe you can shoot anything from within a snow shelter that you could shoot when you're not in the shelter. You'll obviously be limited in angle/direction by the size of the opening.

Honestly... for me (that is to say - in my opinion), the show shelter is not and was never meant to be a permanent or long-term shelter. I think that's why it decayed so quickly and that once ruined you couldn't even interact with it any more (but a lot of folks fussed about it - so that changed). I think show shelters are only really useful as an "emergency last resort, to try to keep from dying of exposure" kind of thing. I say that because there are caves all over the place... and as long as a player is paying attention to their surroundings they are almost never very far from shelter.

The only time I can think of a show shelter being useful would be if we got lost in blizzard and we found a hollowed out tree. Since it seems in most cases if there's a blizzard going on I don't know that the snow shelter would get you above freezing on it's own. That's why I mention the hollowed out tree. Under this incredibly specific set of circumstances the snow shelter is very useful.

Specifically, I mean you build a fire in the hollowed out tree, get the temperature up, then build a snow shelter in the radius of the heat. Then once the blizzard passes... break it all down and head out.

I know some folks like to use them as a permanent encampment... and if one is vigilant about gathering sticks and repairing it, then it can be. However, I think that's a bit limiting because if you are ever gone for 4 days... it'll likely be ruined when you get back, and even under in best case scenario if you break it down you will lose at least three cloth every time you do so. I think it's always more adventurous to find a cave or use another permanent structure for shelter.


Interesting, I didn't know about the hunting thing... that feels like kind of cheap tactic to me. Don't get me wrong that's an interesting feature and use of the shelter... but not one I would ever use. I just can't justify to myself wasting three cloth to make what would effectively be used as a hunter's blind.

i personally dont find much use for them at all. it is very expensive to use them every time CF warning comes up, cloth is too precious on loper to be burning it up to sleep outside. fishing huts and caves are much better, seeing as all three require fire in the coldest weather. i have seen some decent setups with mostly wind proof fires set in front of the snow shelter but i still cant justify the resources. nonetheless i do carry 5 cloth at all times just in case i absolutely need to throw one up. im constantly grabbing sticks so im never much more than 5-10 sticks from the 15.

To be completely honest with you, I think snow shelters should only be used in ABSOLUTE emergencies, since, as other people already mentioned, you are going to end up spending at least 3 cloth to make one.

It doesn't seem like much but cloth is one of the limiting factors for long term survival and every piece of cloth you waste on snow shelters is less cloth to repair your top tier clothing in the far future.

When it comes to Cabin Fever I don't believe using snow shelters is a good option to deal with it, most regions have cars and caves you can sleep in and spending a day or two cooking food or boiling water outdoors is normally enough to fend it off.

In a nutshell, snow shelters should only be used in absolute emergencies, while it is better to lose 3 cloth than dying they are way too expensive for my tastes and shouldn't be used in any other situation, specially on Loper.

You can light a fire in front of the snow shelter where you can do cooking without leaving it, if the ground is flat or leaning towards the opening. When exiting, you won't step in the fire and get burns. The game will place you on top of the snow shelter to avoid this.

If you know all the maps backwards and forwards to the extent that you would feel comfortable navigating FM in the middle of a raging blizzard at night, snow shelters really have nothing to offer that you can't get elsewhere. You're never so far from anything that a snow shelter is absolutely necessary. They might save your bacon if you are completely turned around and hopeless though. Although I would personally choose to spend those 45 minutes out in a blizzard reaching a cave or something, than building a snow shelter that by itself probably won't even be enough. Even if you have absolutely no idea where you are, just pick a direction and walk in a straight line. Even in HRV you're never far from shelter.

From this spot I can usually make it to the Fishing Cabins easily. The fire can be blown out but it is rare. If I find the hack saw in DP and the Heavy Hammer in CH then this shelter serves double duty. Grab all the cattails and head right back to the Riken to pound out a knife and arrowheads.

Yep, I echo the opinions on this very thread. Snow shelters are not really useful unless you're completely turned around and desperate. It's always better to try and keep moving and find a cave or shelter with the 45 minutes it takes to build one. The cloth cost really isn't a factor if you beachcomb, you can find those back easily.

I like the view from inside the snow shelter, so I usually go camping with it. ? I know, it's silly but you can get to a corner of the map somewhere and plop a snow shelter down, then hunt and survive in that area. It's really fun. I wish we could craft a teepee.

The snow shelter used to be a necessity on Interloper in earlier versions of the game to achieve certain things. For example, to start in TWM and go straight to the summit without a bedroll. I don't know if in today's version that's still a necessity, since a number of provisional beds have been added to the game later.

I'm spending quality Interloper time in Desolation Point right now. I recently forged my tools and arrowheads and killed the bear and two wolves that hang out near Hibernia. Next I'll get the light house wolves so I can start curing the hides for the wolf skin coat. Since I'll be here for a little while, I made a snow shelter that I sleep in as much as I can and generally hang out in if I'm doing things around Hibernia. The snow shelter isn't required for survival, but one of the things I do in my Interloper runs is try to keep outdoor hours higher than indoor hours and sleeping all or most of the night in the snow shelter really helps with that (and I never get a risk of cabin fever). When an early morning blizzard comes along and it's too cold to stay in the shelter, I go inside the building to sleep a bit more, craft things, break down crates, or do other things while I warm up. 2351a5e196

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