Quantum many-body theory

I am a theoretical physicist specializing in quantum many-body theory, describing systems with multitudinous quantum mechanical objects. I mostly work on fundamental quantum materials, such as superconductivity and correlation in graphene-based systems, moire quantum matters, and transport in topological quantum materials. I also study the dynamics of interacting bosons, which can be realized in AMO systems (e.g., spin-orbit-coupled Bose gases). 

My current research programs include (1) studying phases of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene, (2) developing a systematic theory for fractional topological insulator edge-state transport, and (3) building new tools for solving Eliashberg superconductivity in systems with complex Fermi surfaces (e.g., graphene-based materials).

I received the 2022 Janet Lynn Das Sarma Postdoctoral Prize for my work on graphene superconductivity, one of my current research directions.

My ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7955-0918


      Advisors: Matthew S. Foster and Adilet Imambekov