NSF postdoc
yvonne.alamabronsard[@]univ-rennes.fr | Office: 204
Campus de Beaulieu, bâtiments 22 et 23,
263 avenue du Général Leclerc, 35042, RENNES
My research lies in numerical methods for nonlinear evolution PDEs, with an emphasis on the design and analysis of schemes for solving dispersive equations.
I obtained in 2024 an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. I am starting my postdoc at the Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes (IRMAR) in France, and then at the MIT with Gigliola Staffilani.
I completed my PhD at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions (Sorbonne Université) in Paris, France, under the supervision of Katharina Schratz.
Before that, I received a two-years schorlarship from the Paris Graduate School of Mathematics (PGSM) to complete the master's program M1/M2 Mathématiques de la Modélisation in Paris 6.
I completed the bachelor's degree at McGill University and at l'Université de Montréal in Montréal, Canada.
Preprints and publications
Y. Alama Bronsard, X. Chen, M. Dolbeault, Spectrally accurate fully discrete schemes for some nonlocal and nonlinear integrable PDEs via explicit formulas. (preprint 2024) arXiv, HAL
Y. Alama Bronsard, A symmetric low-regularity integrator for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation.
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis (2024),
article PDF, published, arXiv
Y. Alama Bronsard, Y. Bruned, K. Schratz, Approximations of dispersive PDEs in the presence of low-regularity randomness.
Found Comput Math (2024),
article PDF, published, arXiv
Y. Alama Bronsard, Y. Bruned, G. Maierhofer, K. Schratz, Symmetric resonance based integrators and forest formulae. (preprint 2023)
article PDF, arXiv, HAL
Y. Alama Bronsard, Y. Bruned, K. Schratz, Low regularity integrators via decorated trees. (preprint 2022)
article PDF, arXiv
Y. Alama Bronsard, Error analysis of a class of semi-discrete schemes for solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation at low regularity.
J. Comp. App. Math, Volume 418, (2023), p. 114632, 0377-0427.
article PDF, published, arXiv
Y. Alama Bronsard, J-P Lessard, Traveling wave oscillatory patterns in a signed Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with absorption.
J. Comp. App. Math, Volume 372, 112608, (2020)
CV & PhD manuscript
Full CV
PhD manuscript defended May 3rd 2024
Upcoming Talks and Conferences
Seminar in Numerical Analysis and PDEs at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgique, April 15th 2025
Congrès de la SMF, 2-6 juin 2025, Dijon, France
ICOSAHOM, 14-20 juillet 2025, Montréal, Canada
Recorded talk at the Bernoulli center EPFL, during the workshop Probabilistic and deterministic aspects of dispersive equations, October 7th 2024
I gave tutorials for the final year undergraduate students at Sorbonne Université in numerical analysis. The class is entitled : Analyse Numérique- LU3MA232.
Semester teaching: Fall 2022, Fall 2023