Yuya Fukuhara's website
Welcome to my page!
I am a Ph.D student at Institute of Science Tokyo (Science Tokyo; formerly known as Tokyo Institute of Technology), working on planetary science.
I'm interested in planet formation, especially in dust evolution and gas dynamics of protoplanetary disks.
Key question:
Are protoplanetary disks turbulent?
How do the disks (turbulence) interact with dust and planets?
My supervisor is Prof. Satoshi Okuzumi.
- Sep. 24th-26th, 2024:
- Sep. 11th-13th, 2024:
日本天文学会2024年秋季年会(関西学院大学 神戸三田キャンパス)に参加し、口頭発表(タイトル "影から探る円盤鉛直構造とダスト進化(Ⅱ):測定された冷却時間と整合的なダスト分布・乱流強度の理論的推定")とポスター発表(タイトル "鉛直シア不安定性乱流に対する冷却率の時空間進化の影響")を行いました。
- Jul. 31st-Aug.1st, 2024:
Gave a talk in "Mini-Workshop on PPDs and Planets in Hot Summer Nagoya" at Nagoya@Japan, titled "Vertical shear instability simulations with dynamical cooling rate in protoplanetary disks".
- Apr. 25th, 2024:
Paper Accepted!! Fukuhara & Okuzumi 2024, "A self-consistent model for dust settling and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks", Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, arXiv: 2404.15780
- Mar. 18th-22nd, 2024:
Gave a talk in "Simulating Physics in Celestial Ecosystems -Star, Disk, and Planet Formation- (SPiCE)" at Sendai@Japan, titled "Vertical shear instability simulations including dynamical dust and cooling rate in protoplanetary disks".
- Jan. 10th, 2024:
Gave a talk in "The 175th Seminar on The Formation of Stars & Planets", titled "A self-consistent model for dust settling and vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks".
- Aug. 28th - Dec. 8th, 2023:
Stayed at Max-Plank Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg@Germany under the "JSPS Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers" program. The host scientist is Dr. Mario Flock.
- Apr. 10th-15th, 2023:
Participated in "Protostars and Planets Ⅶ (PPⅦ)" at Kyoto@Japan and presented a poster titled "A self-consistent model for dust settling and vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks".
- Apr. 8th, 2023:
Personal website open!
Contact Information
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science
Institute of Science Tokyo
Ishikawadai Bldg. 2 #223,
2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8551 JAPAN