Yuxi Hong, Postdoc Researcher @ Berkeley Lab

Research Area: 

High Performance Computing; Graph analysis; Low-rank approximation; Data sparsity algorithms; Dense/sparse linear algebra kernels and solvers; Bioinformatics; Seismic Redatuming; Computational Astronomy.

Tools: C++/Python/Julia/Matlab, MPI/OpenMP, GPGPU Computing.


Hi, I'm a postdoc researcher at Performance and Algorithms Research Group at Berkelely Lab. I'm working with Aydin Bluluc on sparse matrix computation. 

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Short Biography

Yuxi Hong is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Performance and Algorithms group of the Computer Science Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). He received an MS degree in Electronics Engineering from Tsinghua University and a BSc from Tsinghua University. His current research interests include HPC, Numerical Linear Algebra, GPU programming, sparse computation, low rank methods and efficient Machine Learning/ Deep learning. My PhD advisors are David Keyes, Hatem Ltaief and Matteo Ravasi.