
Meter-al-Meter Jerusalem Poetry Festival, 2014

My poetry book  

Poetry has always been an important part of my life. Before leaving Israel and moving to the U.S. to pursue my doctoral degree, I was member of a poetry group operating in Jerusalem within an literary institution called Poetry Place. I began the editing process of a manuscript titled "Sous-chef, Sushi, Samurai" and still plan to complete and publish it. While most of my poetry is written in Hebrew, I hope to use this space to share some experiments I have done in English

The Microchip Weaver

A Navajo woman

is weaving my microchip.

At the reserve's factory

she has no name

only augmented hands

under the lens of a microscope

laboring for hours on the delicate task

Thin fibers of aluminum 

are crafted in the image of an ancient god.

The constant bending of metal 

exhausts grey dust

settling in the woman's lungs.

Inhaling particles of the microchip

she becomes an integrated circuit

of a great machine.

Exhaling particles of her body

she leaves her mark on the microchip

It is then shifted to an unknown part of the earth

becoming the beating heart of the computer

on which this poem is written


Learning a new language is never easy

on our way to camping

we talked for hours

yet sounds remained hanging in the air

like viral droplets waiting to infect the right ear


I assembled a remarkable collection of

words, sentences, idioms

a foreigner in this land, forging is all I have.

When I return to camp, I try to put them together

envisioning a delicious stew

throwing everything into the boiling water

we sit next to the tent

waiting for something to stick


Water remains water

not even a thin soup

hungry and exhausted, we fall asleep

only to panically awaken from a haunted doze

we look outside the tent

there is wood in the trees, air in the wind

heat in the sunlight

it is morning

time to get ready for a new excursion

a journey for meaning

hanging low on the heavy branches