
In Review

Wertheimer, O., Hart, Y. (2022). Increased Dynamic Range as a Driver of Neuronal and Behavioral Differences in ASD, Submitted.

Hart, Y., and Mahadevan, L. (2022). Invariant Visual Perception and Geometric Probability, Submitted.


Amir, O., Tyomkin, L., Hart, Y. (2022). Adaptive Search Space Pruning in Complex Strategic Problems, PLoS Comp Bio, In press.

Hart, Y., Kosoy, E., Liquin, E. G., Leonard, J.A., Mackey, A., and Gopnik A., (2022), The development of creative search strategies. Cognition, 225:105102

Zeevi, L., klein Selle, N., Kellmann, E.L., Bioman, G., Hart, Y. and Atzil, S. (2022). Bio-behavioral synchrony is a potential mechanism for mate selection in humans. Sci Rep 12, 4786.

Hart, Y., Mahadevan, L. and Dillon, M.R. (2022). Euclid's Random Walk: Developmental Changes in the Use of Simulation for Geometric Reasoning. Cognitive Science, 46(1), p.e13070.

Adler, M., Tendler, A., Hausser, J., Korem, Y., Szekely, P., Bossel, N., Hart, Y., Karin, O., Mayo, A. and Alon, U. (2022). Controls for phylogeny and robust analysis in Pareto Task Inference. Molecular biology and evolution, 39(1), p.msab297.


Kenett, Y., Baker, B., Hills, T., Hart, Y., and Beaty, R. (2021). Creative foraging: Examining relations between foraging styles, semantic memory structure, and creative thinking. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 43, No. 43).


Hart, Y., Vaziri-Pashkam, M., Mahadevan L. (2020). Early Warning Signals in Motion Inference, PLoS Comput Biol, 16(5): e1007821 .


Hart, Y., Goldberg, H., Striem-Amit E., Mayo, A.E., Noy, L., Alon, U. (2018). Creative Exploration as a Scale Invariant Search on a Meaning Landscape, Nature Communications, 9(1), p.5411.

Hart, Y., Dillon M.R., Marantan, A., Cardenas A., Spelke, L. , Mahadevan, L. (2018). The Statistical Shape of Geometric Reasoning. Scientific Reports, 8, 12906

Jordan, M., Hart, Y., Dillon, M.R. (2018, May). Pathing judgment on planes and spheres: Accurate intuitions about shortest paths. Poster to be presented at the Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL.

Amir O, Amir D, Shahar Y, Hart Y, Gal K (2018) The more the merrier? Increasing group size may be detrimental to decision-making performance in nominal groups. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192213.


Rozenkrantz, L., Mayo A.E., Ilan T., Hart Y., Noy L., Alon U. (2017). Placebo can enhance creativity. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0182466.

Hart, Y., Mayo, A.E., Mayo R., Tendler A., Alon, U., Noy, L. (2017). Creative Foraging: an Experimental Paradigm for Studying the Dynamics of Exploration and Discovery. PLoS ONE, 12(8): e0182133.


Dahan, A., Noy, L., Hart, Y., Alon U., (2016) Exit from Synchrony in Joint Improvised Motion, PLoS ONE, 11(10):e0160747. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160747

Hart Y., Czerniak E, Karnieli-Miller O., Mayo AE., Ziv A., Biegon A., Citron A., Alon U., (2016) Automated Video Analysis of Non-verbal Communication in a Medical Setting, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 7, 1130. DOI=10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01130


Feniger-Schaal, R., Noy L., Hart Y., Koren-Karie N., Mayo A.E., Alon U. (2015) Would you like to play together? Adults’ attachment and the mirror game. Attachment & Human Development, DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2015.1109677

Korem Y., Szekely P., Hart Y., Sheftel H., Hausser J., Mayo A.E., Rothenberg M., Kalisky T., Alon U. (2015) Geometry of the Gene Expression Space of Individual Cells. PLoS Comput Biol 11(7): e1004224. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004224

Hart, Y.*, Sheftel, H.*, Hausser, J.*, Szekely, P.*, Bossel Ben-Moshe, N., Korem, Y., Tendler A., Mayo, A.E., and Alon, U., (2015), Inferring Biological Tasks Using Pareto Analysis of High Dimensional Data, Nature Methods 12, 233–235 (2015).


Hart, Y.*, Reich-Zeliger, S.*, Antebi, Y.E.*, Zaretsky, I., Mayo, A.E., Alon, U., and Friedman, N. (2014). Paradoxical Signaling by a Secreted Molecule Leads to Homeostasis of Cell Levels. Cell 158, 1022–1032.

Hart, Y.*, Noy, L.*, Feniger-Schaal, R., Mayo, A.E., and Alon, U. (2014). Individuality and Togetherness in Joint Improvised Motion. PLoS ONE 9, e87213.


Antebi, Y.E., Reich-Zeliger, S., Hart, Y., Mayo, A., Eizenberg, I., Rimer, J., Putheti, P., Pe’er, D., and Friedman, N. (2013). Mapping Differentiation under Mixed Culture Conditions Reveals a Tunable Continuum of T Cell Fates. PLoS Biol 11, e1001616

Bren, A.*, Hart, Y.*, Dekel, E., Koster, D., and Alon, U. (2013). The last generation of bacterial growth in limiting nutrient. BMC Syst. Biol. 7, 27.

Hart, Y., Mayo, A.E., Shoval, O., and Alon, U. (2013). Comparing Apples and Oranges: Fold-Change Detection of Multiple Simultaneous Inputs. PLoS ONE 8, e57455.

Hart, Y., and Alon, U. (2013). The Utility of Paradoxical Components in Biological Circuits. Mol. Cell 49, 213–221.


Noy, L.*, Hart, Y.*, Andrew, N., Ramote, O., Mayo, A.E., and Alon, U. (2012). A Quantitative Study of Creative Leaps. In International Conference on Computational Creativity, pp. 72–76.

Shoval, O., Sheftel, H., Shinar, G., Hart, Y., Ramote, O., Mayo, A., Dekel, E., Kavanagh, K., and Alon, U. (2012). Evolutionary Trade-Offs, Pareto Optimality, and the Geometry of Phenotype Space. Science 336, 1157–1160

Hart, Y., Antebi, Y.E., Mayo, A.E., Friedman, N., and Alon, U. (2012). Design principles of cell circuits with paradoxical components. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 109, 8346–8351.


Beck, A., Isaac, R., Lavelin, I., Hart, Y., Volberg, T., Shatz-Azoulay, H., Geiger, B., and Zick, Y. (2011). An siRNA screen identifies transmembrane 7 superfamily member 3 (TM7SF3), a seven transmembrane orphan receptor, as an inhibitor of cytokine-induced death of pancreatic beta cells. Diabetologia 54, 2845–2855.

Hart, Y., Mayo, A.E., Milo, R., and Alon, U. (2011). Robust Control of PEP Formation Rate in the Carbon Fixation Pathway of C4 Plants by a Bi-functional Enzyme. BMC Syst. Biol. 5, 171.

Hart, Y.*, Madar, D.*, Yuan, J.*, Bren, A., Mayo, A.E., Rabinowitz, J.D., and Alon, U. (2011). Robust control of nitrogen assimilation by a bifunctional enzyme in E. coli. Mol. Cell 41, 117–127.


Shoval, O., Goentoro, L., Hart, Y., Mayo, A., Sontag, E., and Alon, U. (2010). Fold-change detection and scalar symmetry of sensory input fields. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 107, 15995 –16000.

* These authors contributed equally to the paper