Yuta Murakami

Research Scientist @ RIKEN CEMS (Arita-group) 

About my research topic

In equilibrium, strong correlation between electrons yields various physical properties and quantum phases.  By driving correlated systems out of equilibrium with external fields, one can expect even richer physics such as photo-induced phase transitions and observation of collective modes. Due to recent and rapid development of laser techniques, we can now excite and observe systems under various situations and new non-equilibrium phenomena are reported one after another.   Important examples include possibility of photo-induced superconductors and topological insulators, observation of the Higgs mode in superconductors and high-harmonic generation in condensed matters. Nonequilibrium physics of correlated materials and strong laser field is now rapidly growing.

Motivated by these situations, I theoretically study nonequilibrium physics of strongly correlated systems and ordered phases. Our major motivations are to understand mechanism of various types of photo-induced phase transitions, to explore new types of nonequilibrium phenomena , and to establish measurement techniques using strong fields. We are also interested in developing numerical techniques and theoretical frameworks to study nonequilibrium physics.

I am currently actively collaborate with the following people/groups;



E-mail: yuta.murakami_at_riken.jp (please change "_at_" to "@")

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